My Hero’s Journey
The call to adventure
Many moons ago, the first 6 months of the Master Key Experience (MKE) was my initiation period. The adventure began by committing myself to the course. Gulp! I rarely ever finished what I had started in the past, what was going to be different about this?
Everything!! The content was phenomenal, going way beyond the book, The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.
The research that had gone into creating the content was rich and varied, mind blowing and informative. The exercises were second to none, as long as I did them!! I mapped out my future life and was given tools to manifest it.
The Refusal of the Call
Then, upon attending the MKE online ‘Live Event’, several years ago, I started my Hero’s Journey for real. Usually the “Live Event’ is just that, however, we came up against something that shall not be named that prevented travel!
Firstly, I had to overcome the ‘Refusal of The Call’ (ROTC) as I had to forgo sleep to attend the Zoom. I almost fell at this first hurdle. Being in Australia compared to USA, I thought to myself, it doesn’t matter if I miss some of the course…. quelle horreur!!
I gave myself a kick in the backside and made sure I attended every second… phew, I’m so glad I did. I had learnt from the MKE exercises to dissolve procrastination and be present to what was required to follow through.
Meeting the Mentor
Tick! Mark and Davene Januszewski and their Staff attended every session throughout the 6 months course and it was no exception on the ‘Live Event’ zoom. Giving every ounce of energy and enthusiasm every single minute. I had definitely met my Mentors.
Crossing the Threshold
I was really leaving my comfort zone as I faced the other participants and my mentors on the zoom. My tendency was/is to stay in the background and observe, analyse and decide if my participation is warranted. No judgement on my part as to the groups activities, but whether I was ‘good enough’ to have anything to offer the group.
We sang fun songs, danced and were occasionally asked to answer questions. All way beyond my comfort zone. However, I went all in… full on gusto singing out of tune and jiggling in my chair trying to keep the computer screen steady!
Tests, Allies, and Enemies
After the ‘Live Event’ came the true test.
We were given a Mastermind partner, an accountability partner, to whom we agreed to keep in close daily contact for 30 days and complete certain exercises. My ally, my confidant, my support mechanism to get me through any roadblocks I faced in my Hero’s Journey towards my goal. I was of course, the same to them.
Here I was, armed with my new found Goal which I discovered hiding in the recess of my mind; to create a Koala Sanctuary.
The enemy? The inability to leave the house or travel to view land in the appropriate areas.
The Approach to the Inmost Cave
How was I going to achieve my goal?
Firstly, internet was the only way. I found a beautiful property, 100 acres, 40 of which was already under conservation order for koala habitat. Bingo! How easy was that?
On enquiry, it was already under offer with a purchaser. Back to the drawing board!
Very little was available and all highly priced due to people wanting to leave the lock-down cities and escape to the country.
I eventually found a property that had been through the 2020 fires and looked a bit dangerous due to it’s proximity to the State Forest and more fire danger. However, I was determined to manifest my goal and continue my Hero’s Journey in the boldest fashion.
The Ordeal
Now, I had to find a way to travel to the property to view it. The Real Estate Agent said no-one had managed to view it due to travel restrictions.
I decided to apply for a Travel Permit, it was Saturday, not telling the entire truth as to why I needed to travel, but enough to warrant the excuse.
To my surprise, I was granted a Travel Permit for a week.
I decided to go on the Monday. The Agent was totally in awe of the fact that I was able to meet him.
We saw the property, which in its sad state of burnout was looking less than exciting. However, there was nothing else on the market that fitted my criteria. The trees were all burnt and there was an eeriness about the place.

300 acres of char-grilled trees. Some of the trees were regenerating, 70% looked dead.
My idea – replant, rejuvenate the land, bring back the decimated koalas, none had survived for about 50 kms distance around the area.
On the Tuesday, the Government revoked all Travel Permits, how fortunate was I to have gone on the Monday?
The Reward
The Agent said to me “Well, do we have a Sale or not?”
I responded with a resounding “Yes!”
The Road Back
Now to find the money!! I had some, but not all. I was defined as ‘unemployed’ so couldn’t borrow any from the banks.
I put out feelers and found someone that did private loans with high pay back fees. Typical! I had no other choice, I was determined this was my path. I was going to be the person who was proactive saving the Koala, I had to keep pushing forward.
Money sorted – Yes
Ready to move – Yes
House to move into – No.
Tent – Yes
Fortunately, I loved camping. Sleeping under the starry skies, cooking on a campfire, what could be more idyllic?
Water – No.
Had to go and buy a 1000 litre pod of water and transport it back to the property.
Weather – rain and wind.
Tent – blew down x 3
Cell/Mobile service – perfect!
I was an MKE Guide by this time, so my Tribe lived through my ordeals with me.
Yes, you read that correct. Part of my Hero’s Journey was to become a Guide with MKE. One of the best things I’ve done to Give more, Get more!
My Hero’s Triumphant Finale
I’ve lived here now for just over 3 years. Loving every minute of it. The koalas are nowhere to be seen in this area still. I enquired about bringing in koalas from the local breeding programme, that was laced with too many politics to crack, how about from the koala hospital? No, we’re in the wrong catchment area.
So far, the birds, kangaroos, goannas and dingos have come, we’re doing animal rescue and the trees are 65% regrowing and looking fabulous.
I feel I’ve succeeded on my Hero’s Journey, despite the lack of koalas. I took all the steps, created the space for the possibility of a koala roaming back onto the property and it could still happen.
Oh and I’ve paid in full for the property.
I’m not finished yet, my Hero’s Journey takes me further than this moment.
Fantastic story, Peaches! Either the koalas WILL appear at a moment which will be right for them OR the Great Universe will soon bring you its exact reason why it pushed you in this beautiful Hero’s Journey in the first place! Thanks for this very inspiring story!!
Wow! Thank you for detailing the steps so clearly, Peaches! I find your Hero’s Journey captivating to watch unfold. Enjoy every present moment!