3 Laws for an effortless, worry free and carefree life
Is it possible to live a worry free and carefree life? Is it also possible to do this effortlessly?
Yes, surely it is possible. Yes, it takes some work and practice, but it is possible for us to claim this life.
During the Master Key Experience course back in 2017 and 2018, I’ve learned the Law of Least Effort principles. I have been continuing to remind myself and practice this very simple but powerful Law of Least Effort in my life over the last several years.
Especially over the last few weeks, this became even more meaningful as I saw how important it is to apply this practice in my life every day to keep myself free from all the worries and burdens that come with the holidays.
I would like to unpack each of these 3 laws of least effort one by one and I do hope that you will take careful consideration how you can apply them in your life especially as you look forward to this brand-new year, 2023.
I have listed all 3 laws below and then I will unpack each one once you have a chance to read them all to yourself.
3 Laws for an Effortless Life
Law of Least Effort: Acceptance
1. I will practice Acceptance. Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are in this moment, not as I wish they were.
Law of Least Effort: Responsibility
2. Having accepted things as they are, I will take Responsibility for my situation and for all those events I see as problems. I know that taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for my situation (and this includes myself). I also know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows me to take this moment and transform it into a greater benefit.
Law of Least Effort: Defenselessness
3. Today my awareness will remain established in Defenselessness. I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view. I will feel no need to convince or persuade others to accept my point of view. I will remain open to all points of view and not be rigidly attached to any one of them.
Ok, now, let’s look at the first Law, Acceptance.
First Law, Acceptance
“I will practice Acceptance”.
It is a persistent practice that I need to master this law as my mind can be swayed by the constant interactions with people, situations, circumstances, and events.
Yes, people do things and say things that are bothersome, and many situations, circumstances and events can stir up things in me that tempts me to either complain or lead me to worry and be anxious.But if I catch myself and remind myself to replace my worrisome or anxious thoughts with “I will know that this moment is as it should be because the whole universe is as it should be”.

Then I can accept the people, situations, circumstances, and events around me.
“I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment”.
Yes, that’s right, I know for fact that this whole universe is under full perfect control of the Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent God then why would I worry, panic, or be anxious even though it may seem like out of control or unfair in my own eyes which are very limited to only what I can see and understand.
Therefore, I can confidently say that “my acceptance is total and complete and be able to accept the things as they are in this moment, not as I wish they were”.
Yes, only this way, I can live the life that is worry free and carefree effortlessly because I can totally and completely trust that the whole universe is the way is as it should be.
Second Law, Responsibility
Now the second law, Responsibility.
“Having accepted things as they are, I will take responsibility for my situation and all the events I see as problems”.
What does this mean by saying that I am responsible for the situations and all the events I see as problems?
Yes, that’s right, what I see as problems whether it is about someone or some situation, it is myself who sees that way, right? I do have a choice how I am going to see and understand what’s happening around me. No one else can do that for me but I need to take a full responsibility for how I see people and situations. Because the whole universe is the way it should be, right?

This can only happen when I fully believe that God has full control over the Universe which includes people and see each person through His eyes not with my own limited view and understanding.
“I know that taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for my situation (and this includes myself).”
Yes, if I take responsibility for myself then I wouldn’t need to blame anyone or anything in whatever situation and circumstances because I am responsible for whatever thoughts or ideas I have in my mind. This also means then others are responsible for their own thoughts and actions just like I am for myself. What about not blaming myself part? How can I do that, not blaming myself for what happens in my life? This is only possible when I take a full responsibility for myself in whatever situation by accepting the situation and circumstances how they turned out based on my own thoughts and actions. Moreover, I can learn and grow from each experience.
“I also know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows me to take this moment and transform it into a greater benefit.”
This is exactly why I don’t have to blame myself because I can take this problematic situation and turn it into an opportunity to transform it into a greater benefit. How awesome is that? So, by accepting this moment as it is and taking responsibility for myself in any situation will give a peace of mind and I can effortlessly continue to move on in my life journey.
Third Law, Defenselessness
The last but not the least Law is Defenselessness. I love this law as it really showed me how I can be at ease and move through life effortlessly in a worry free and carefree way. How many times have I stressed myself getting upset and carrying so much anxiety when I felt that my opinions or ideas were not received or acknowledged? I brought this on myself. I do have a choice to not defend myself and be open minded about people and things.
“Today my awareness will remain established in Defenselessness. I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view. I will feel no need to convince or persuade others to accept my point of view.”
If I can accept the situations and people as they are and take full responsibility for the situations and problems, then surely, I don’t need to defend my point of view nor to convince or persuade others to accept my point of view. So freeing and liberating, isn’t it? I am only responsible for what I say and do. Others are responsible for their own actions and thoughts. I don’t have to try to convince anyone or defend myself because the whole universe is at it should be at any given moment.
“I will remain open to all points of view and not be rigidly attached to any one of them.”
If I believe that each one of us are unique being and responsible for our own thoughts and actions, then it is possible to respect everyone as they are and be open minded. Do I have full understanding and knowledge about all people and situations? No, I can only see and understand from my own perspective so then why not let others have their own perspective as they have their own understanding and knowledge in every situation.
As a summary, I am grateful that I have these tools to apply in my life to be able to live my life in a worry free and carefree way. I know that I have failed at times and caused myself to be anxious and worry some but then I am able to pull these tools and replace my anxious and worry some mind into calm and peaceful mind. I would strongly encourage you to consider taking the next opportunity when our new Master Key Experience class starts in late September 2023.
Oh, Esther. I’m grateful to know the tools that you’re using to create the wonderful peaceful demeanor I see in you. Your presence is so wonderfully calming! Thanks for your encouragement to apply these 3 Laws, too.
Thank you, Shirley, for your kind and encouraging words. You are such an inspiration for me with your generous and caring heart that shows in your interaction with all those who you come in your way.