July 25


5 Easy Steps To Make a Vision Board

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Here are 5 easy steps to make a Vision Board either on a poster board or on your computer.

Personally, I enjoy making my vision board with cut outs of a collection of images and words that inspire and motivate me to reach my goals and dreams. They represent the changes I’d like to see in my life.

I learned the best steps to make a vision board so that I could see my goals manifest when I went through the Master Key Experience course. Unlike other vision board methods, Mark Januszewski’s methods actually helped me to manifest those dreams!

For instance, today I am my ideal weight and love my portion controlled meals, meditating, stretching on a daily basis, hiking or doing the circuit at the gym. A vision board is an easy and fun way to visualize your goals and keep them in front of you to manifest them. It really WORKS!

Vision boards have come a long way since the days of cutting images out of magazines and pinning them to a corkboard. Digital vision boards give you instant access to millions of images, allow you to save videos and links, and are easily edited to allow for big changes in your life.

I personally love the sorting, flipping pages, cutting and gluing, bringing out my imagination.

steps to make a vision board

For others, they may be more creative and like to draw their own vision board.

Remember, the creative process is non-linear, so you may find yourself moving back and forth between the steps as you go. The board is a work in progress. Feel good if you need a break or to finish at a later time…

1. Set Your Goals.

Start with a brainstorm of everything you want to achieve. Vision boards can include your aspirations for the year ahead and any thoughts or feelings you want to bring into your life. Whichever you choose, it’s important to include goals you can actually achieve.

Another exercise we use in the Master Key Experience is to write out 100 index cards with all the goals, plans, or activities we’d like to achieve. Then we categorize them to find out more about our purpose on this earth during this lifetime.

Writing out these index cards is a great way for you to get started on your vision board. Pick the main ones you want to achieve in the next year and build from those.

Personally, I love to do a vision board in the first part of November of each year so I can be already in the progress of accomplishing my goals when the New Year starts January 1st.

Describe your goals in vivid detail. For example, if you’re savings goal is a new car, don’t just write ‘new car’. Describe the make, model, colour, the material of the inside, how it smells and feels when you drive this type of vehicle.

That reminds me I must get down to the dealership to decide what magazine I can receive to cut out my future vehicle to place on my vision board. I already got the car I had on my last board, a saucy Audi 2018 sports car. It was heaven to drive. Now I’m ready for something different.

More Easy Steps to Make a Vision Board

I have found when people have gotten stuck doing the 5 easy steps to make a Vision Board I ask them the following questions…

• How can I be happier at work? Do I have new career
goals? What’s my dream job?
• How can I create a healthier body and mind?
• What are my financial goals? What major purchases
should I save for?
• How can I improve relationships with my partner, friends or
• Are there any activities I’d like to try? What have I always
wanted to learn?
• What’s a destination I’ve always wanted to travel to?
• How do I want to feel every day?

TIP: If you’re not sure what goals to set for yourself and you’re feeling frustrated, step away and think about it a bit more. Creating a vision board should be an enjoyable process and doesn’t have to happen in one afternoon.

2. Add Inspiring Imagery.

Now that you’ve set out your goals, start looking for images that represent them. These will serve as your daily visual reminder, so pick images you love to look at. Is there something about a particular image that captures your dreams and goals perfectly?

Oprah Winfrey said, “It’s important to create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.” So find inspiring images and links that help manifest these big changes.

It’s best to choose images that include people doing the activities you’d like to try, images of the items you’re saving for, and even links to books you’d like to buy.

For example, in the last few years of learning the steps to make a vision board, I’ve traveled to Barcelona, Spain; Romania, known as the miniature version of Paris, Lebanon known as the Paris of the middle east, and Paris, France, the original.

Another 9-10 special trips also happened recently. Now, I have my vision board primed to take me to Calgary for the Mad Mudder Race, Edmonton and Kona, Hawaii, for friends’ weddings, and Whistler for the Cornucopia event.

Next year, I’m eye-ing Dubai for a festival and Myeres, Mexico. And down the road, a world cruise!

It was easy to find images of these beautiful places to help increase my desire to go, an easy step to make a vision board.

And don’t worry too much about organizing your board just yet—that bit comes next.

3. Transform your Board from Messy to Organized.

Once you’ve collected the links and imagery, the next step is to arrange your vision board into a composition you find visually appealing. You’ll be staring at this daily, so take your time arranging it until you’re happy.

Start by exploring composition and introducing scale. Is there one goal in your board that’s most important to you? Try increasing its size. Are there themes you can see? Try grouping those elements together to signify their relationship.

There is no right or wrong to laying out your board. Just have fun and be creative.

4. Add Words of Encouragement.

Now that your 5 easy steps to make your vision board is taking shape, include some words to get your mind thinking positively. Adding captions under your images is a great way to remind yourself why you chose those photos.

You can also fill your vision board with words that re-affirm how you’d like to feel when you start each day. They can be singular words or inspiring quotes. Read them back to yourself to see how they make you feel.

The human brain can change even into adulthood, so the more we read and memorize positive statements, the easier it is to recall and act on them later.

Be sure to phrase your affirmations in a positive way. Instead of saying “I won’t neglect my friends,” try saying “I’ll reach out to friends every day.” I am sure we can find plenty of inspiring quotes online if you get stuck.

If there are particular words you want to draw attention to in your board, increase the size of them or try adding some colour.

5. Export or Share Your Vision.

Now that your board is complete and looking amazing, it’s time to manifest your dreams. Vision boards come true if you reinforce them. Print it out and hang it beside your bedside, wall, door, ceiling, bathroom mirror. Set it as your computer or phone wallpaper. It’s important that you see it every day. I like to see it first thing in the morning, sometime in the day and before I go to bed.

Always remember to take a few minutes to stand there and look over it. Study each image and remember why it’s there. Doing so gives you time to focus and allows you to think of new ways to achieve your goals.

Re-read your affirmations to help calm your mind if you’re feeling overwhelmed and reinforce positive thoughts. The goal is to walk away from your vision board feeling joy and motivated.

And you’ve done the 5 easy steps to make a vision board!

Now you have a beautiful vision board filled with inspiring words and images to manifest your life by design.

In Summary:

1. Set your goals
2. Add inspiring imagery
3. Go from messy → organized
4. Add some words of encouragement
5. Share your vision

Vision Boards Continue to Serve Us

Vision Boards are evolving constantly, especially, once you have attained them. When you have, that’s a great time to revise and add another dream or goal.

If you, your loved ones, teammates or colleagues like to learn more in how you can create your Dharma, leave a message in the Contact Us page and either I or one of my colleagues will get back to you.

Vision Board creations are life-changing for me. Life can change direction at any moment, so think of your vision board as a living thing and make changes to it when you need to, now that you have the 5 steps to make a vision board.

If you’ve been successful at manifesting a goal, celebrate it! Once I have accomplished a vision, I replace it with another dream or simply circle it and give it a huge tick mark of accomplishment. Sometimes, people treat their vision board like a checklist and add a tick beside each item as it is completed. No matter how you mark off your achievements, always celebrate them!

If you’re starting to think about the next chapter of your life, big goals to work towards, I highly recommend to schedule a time either individually or in a group/team to make a vision board in 5 easy steps! Better yet, join the next Master Key Experience class and learn more ways to manifest your dreams!

Read more articles by Cindy Cheta

About the author

As a financial, health and wellness mentor Cindy is passionate in serving one person at a time through the master key experience to create their life by design.

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