October 22


5 Tips for How to be Happy and Self-Empowered

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Have you ever realized that being happy takes effort? This is why some people spend their years finding happiness in the wrong places. They invest so much into many relationships, but they end up being drained emotionally.

Have you ever sought happiness somewhere? I am sure that you were hurt when you realized that it wasn’t there. Interestingly, very few people know that true happiness is generated from within them. You have all it takes to be happy.

One good thing about personal happiness is that it attracts self-empowerment and enables you to take control of your life and go for the things that matter. Also, when you permit yourself to be happy, you live a satisfying life. On the contrary, an unhappy person is not self-empowered. Therefore, personal happiness is a critical aspect of one’s life.

Are you wondering how you can be happy and self-empowered? The following 4 tips will help you.

Forgive Yourself

According to psychiatrists, the saddest people are the ones that have not yet forgiven themselves. If you do something terrible and allow it to haunt you, you might never rejoice. You must accept that failure is part of human life and refuse to be down. Besides, there is always room for improvement. However, this can only be possible when you forgive yourself and cheer up. When you are happy, you chase things that make you happy independently.

Gift Yourself with Happiness

There is a good feeling that comes with being happy. This is why you should occupy yourself with things that make you happy. This will keep you positive, and it is that positivity that drives you to self-empowerment and permits motivation. As a result, you will realize that you have made several milestones in life. Therefore, go for what makes you happy, no matter how small or petty it may seem.

Be Unique

Happiness can never be faked, and that’s why you should endeavor to be unique. You can develop your style of life and embrace it without minding anyone’s opinion. There is so much happiness that comes from fulfilling the desires of our hearts. Embracing who you are and maintaining your version of doing things is a great secret to being self-empowered and happy.

Avoid Negativity

You will never celebrate if you put yourself in a negative environment. Keeping friends that consistently bring you down is toxic. Therefore, you should master the art of letting go of anything or anyone that takes your happiness away. Once you do that, you will be happy and ready to go for things that add value and brings about self-empowerment.

Raise Others

There is some joy that comes with raising others. This is why you should allow other people to be your mentees and grant them a chance to celebrate your kindness. Being a supportive friend presents you with the opportunity to jubilate, especially when they get an achievement.


Swing into Your Happy

Happiness is an essential aspect of our lives. The above mentioned are ways to be happy. Apply them and live a fulfilled life!

One of the most important ways to increase your happiness is to share it and generate it with others.

Why not start a happiness mastermind group of like-minded people and share all moments of happiness big or small? I found a great course to increase my happiness every day of my life. I didn’t think it would be possible. And it was easy and fun to do. The Master Key Experience was the solution to my increased and perpetual happiness. I am grateful every day.

Go ahead, find a playground and swing, and find your happy!

Read more articles by Michael Puffer

About the author

Michael Puffer is a compassionate leader and the founder of a nonprofit organization dedicated to offering swift financial aid to caregivers of individuals in the ICU with brain injuries. Fueled by his commitment to serving others, he tirelessly pursues his dreams with passion. Michael attributes his transformative journey through the Mastery Key Experience as the catalyst that has unveiled the inherent greatness within himself and those around him.

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  • So inspiring blog post Michael! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for the 4 very useful tips! I think everyone want to be happy but the blueprint tells them that it is difficult and “easier to say then to do”. Lucky us that rip off that cement and old blueprint in Master Key Experience so we can discover that “if we can say it, then we can do it”.

  • Great post Michael! Being happy is a condition for and leads indeed to an harmonious life, and the MKE is a great way to learn how to achieve this…Before I discovered the Master Key Experience, I remember that I had my favorite song to help me keep that condition alive in my mind, I guess everybody knows it 🙂 here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU Thank you for your sharing!

  • Great insight, Michael. Happiness just should not be as hard as some make it. These are great shortcut methods for anyone! Thanks for sharing more precious gifts from the Master Key Experience. What a gift! It AND you!

  • What a lovely representation of how to find happiness, Michael! Thanks for always being such a beacon. The world needs more people like you with a Positive Mental Attitude. Blessings.

  • Michael, your blog was so inspiring and it mapped out a strategy that is workable. I agree with your statement about personal happiness: one good thing about personal happiness is that it attracts self-empowerment and enables you to take control of your life. It also makes you see the things that matter in life. I thoroughly enjoyed your 5 tips on how to be happy and empowered. Your blog was very helpful. How do you join the Happiness mastermind group?

  • Great article!! All great tips… I especially like your idea for a happiness mastermind!!! Likeminded people coming together for a common purpose- happiness!!! Well done!

  • Michael, every time I thought about this post in the past few days, I smiled imagining everyone ‘swinging our way to finding our happy’ listening to the song that Luc posted -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU

  • Thanks for this blog, Michael! I love that you are sharing that people should embrace who they are and go for what makes them happy and part of that comes from the concept of “give more/get more”.

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