5 ways to make 2025 your best year
How often do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Once a year right?
How often do you break them? Almost every year.
How long does it take to break them? Almost immediately? Within a few days, weeks, months?
Why is that? Do you actually know why? There’s many reasons, let’s start with reasons, that sometimes are endemic in our lives …
This is when we don’t even start our New Year’s resolution (NYR)! We think about it, we may fantasise about the results we would get if we actioned the NYR, we say to ourselves, tomorrow I’ll start.
Do we start our NYR? Nah, I’ll start when I’ve eaten all the chocolate I already have. I’ll watch less TV when I’ve got to the end of my Streamed Series binge. I’ll go for my walk/jog when the sun comes out… etc.
We then frequently end up never starting out NYR.
Why do we have Procrastination? Are we in fear about failing or even fulfilling our NYR?
1) How to Beat Procrastination
Teach your mind to do something you immediately think about it. Do something about changing your limiting beliefs that often precede procrastination. Discover exercise you can do to actually replace the negative thoughts and be empowered to take the steps to fulfill your NYR.
Once a year, the Master Key Experience (MKE) runs a course, starting in September, that offers the appropriate exercises to empower your ability to start on your goals and desires immediately.
Self Empowerment
Do you feel starting a NYR is disempowering because you’ve always failed with your previous ones? Do you now feel “what’s the use?” Don’t be discouraged! Did you know your thoughts shape your reality?
2) Be Self-Empowered
Develop new ways of thinking about yourself and your environment. Your subconscious mind influences the way you regard yourself. It remembers those failures and old behaviours that have shaped you.
The Master Key Experience supports your growth and how you feel about yourself. You develop the habits that are most important for a satisfactory result of your NYR.
Think of time management. What about mindset? I’m talking about the mindset to make these into habitual ‘wins’ that create a positive experience and ignites self-empowerment. Imagine how that feels?
Be thankful and grateful for all that you already have. Count your blessings. You all have something to be grateful for. Gratitude changes how your mind works. It turns the negative into the positive. It helps you realise you are already prosperous, healthy, etc.
3) Have Gratitude
Spend time each day writing down what you are grateful for. Think of at least 3 things you are grateful for each day and let that list grow everyday as you get into it.
They can be simple everyday things. This may seem childish, but invoke that childlike enthusiasm for all that you have in your life.
Our NYR are mostly based on what we need to give up. It is challenging to give something up if you don’t feel the abundance of life. Gratitude helps you feel abundant as you are counting your blessings.
Take responsibility for your actions. It’s so easy to blame external forces for you not sticking to your NYR. You have only yourself to blame for any action you take (or inaction). Maintain an ongoing commitment to yourself.
4) Be Accountable to Yourself
Master Key Experience teaches you how to have a written plan of action to remain accountable to yourself. This is an excellent way for you to achieve your goal of your NYR. There are amazing techniques to learn.
Set the goal of your NYR. This holds your subconscious mind to the goal. Remember you are making an obligation to yourself.
In each moment you have a choice. Being accountable to yourself helps you make the right choices. Having help with an accountability partner is something MKE specialises in. You can remain inspired by your partner and even the MKE community.
Celebrating Wins
It’s not just New Year’s Eve you celebrate. How about celebrating all your small successes?
5) Celebrate When You Win
Motivation is fueled when you celebrate your successes, no matter how small they feel. You reinforce that feeling with positive emotion when you celebrate. MKE supports you in creating new habits that reinforce long term success.
Bonus: Have a Specific Plan for a Total Makeover
To really live the life you want, change your habits fully, grow and transform into the person you want to be, live with purpose, then the Master Key Experience is the place to go to learn an in-depth way to self-mastery.
Each time we find a way to replace a New Year Resolution by a daily habit, we win! Thanks for your inspiring share, Peaches!