September 22


7 Ways to Make Master Mind Zooms Pure Gold

Read more posts by  Shirley Koritnik

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“No one makes it without a Master Mind!”

— Napoleon Hill

No one? This is one of the intriguing cautions we participants in the Master Key Experience (MKE) hear repeatedly over six months, both during live sessions and in assigned readings.

We become very aware that serious seekers for the most abundant way of being in our world heed this. We’re shown repeatedly that those without a Master Mind cannot really succeed nor sustain success they otherwise could.

The Most Successful People Have a Master Mind

We study what Napoleon Hill says in Think and Grow Rich about what makes a true Master Mind. He describes how a true Master Mind empowered the most successful industry leaders of their time — those he interviewed for that book. Hill and his mentor W. Clement Stone wrote even more about a Master Mind in subsequent books.

MKE immediately assigns us to a Guide and his/her “tribe” so that we can begin to experience this true Master Mind principle ourselves. We connect with each other in Zoom sessions as well as in a private group video app called Marco Polo.

Then in Week 27, MKE co-founder Mark Januszewski pulls months of work together on this subject as he adds details he himself has learned by hard experience in applying the principles that make an effective Master Mind.

Master Mind Component One: DMP

For one thing, the individual can’t just join a Master Mind without preparation. He reminds us that as a participant we have to bring our prepared best selves to the table.

We want to come to a Master Mind having written out our “definite major purpose” (DMP) that expresses our burning desire. Privately we read it or say it aloud multiple times daily so our purpose is alive in our awareness. Then we share it with the others in the Master Mind and hear each of theirs.

Master Mind Component Two: PMA

We come to a Master Mind having disciplined ourselves to live daily with a positive mental attitude (PMA), which we’ve strengthened by first doing a 7-Day Mental Diet and then making positivity and curbing opinions a habit.

Master Mind Component Three: A Plan

We come to a Master Mind with a written plan of action (WPA) with clear action steps we work on daily.

With participants coming with all this ready, the true Master Mind becomes a cooperative where each participant shares these three things clearly with the others, seeking and offering support.

That’s part of the reason an effective Master Mind is not just a gathering of well-meaning people! That’s why so many other kinds of meetings in our lives are not as productive as they can be — business networking meetings, work place meetings, faith groups and/or family meetings, and more.

Instead, a true Master Mind is a gathering of prepared and dynamic participants who make known their desires and plans and commit to helping each other achieve those desires and plans. They each also bring to the table what uplifts and inspires each other’s positivity.

Without all these components a meeting is not a true Master Mind

master mind

but only a gathering, when it could instead be a powerful force for growth and achievement personally and societally.

Mark describes his own Master Mind experiences–what worked and didn’t work as he learned to bring together truly effective Master Minds. He explains how they can be temporary to achieve a specific shared group purpose and plan and what those look like.

He shares how other Master Minds can last over years of deep commitment and sharing. Each Master Mind is as unique as those who come together. Each has its unique blessings and challenges.

What Mark didn’t specifically point out is that there are at least four other MKE tools we learn that enhance that true Master Mind Experience. I discovered rather quickly that even with all the structural components above in place, how we are present to each other in Master Mind sessions makes a huge difference.

Master Mind Component Four: Silent Support

Early on in the MKE we learn to silently say “I love you” to every person we’re aware of as we go through our day.

Applied to a Master Mind Zoom or in-person meeting, this means that participants come into the meeting and silently say “I love you” to each participant as we gather — even repeating it in any meeting when a strong conflict of ideas comes up, or when a participant struggles to make themselves clear.

Imagine what energy, well-being, and loving vibration this brings to each session.

Master Mind Component Five: Intention

In MKE we learn the principle of GIVE MORE GET MORE. So before joining the Master Mind session each of us sets our intention for this time together. How can I best let others know what I need from this session? How can I be most aware of others’ needs in this session and how might I help each meet those needs?

Imagine what productivity this brings with an awareness of intentions and a commitment to carry them out.

Master Mind Component Six: Brain Gym

One of the mind-body connection enhancement tips we learn in MKE is called “Brain Gym.” Physical actions that exercise our brains and create flow across the two brain hemispheres become part of our days.

So we bring those exercises to a Master Mind session, too. We might make it a point, for example, to sit with right hand on the left leg and vice versa. Imagine how these mind-body exercises wake up brain power and deepen awareness in the session!

Master Mind Component Seven: Color Code

Finally we learn in depth during the MKE to observe and value the various personality types that surround us. In each Master Mind session we take time to remind each other who is predominantly Red, Blue, White, or Yellow according to science-based Color Code method.

We might even say during a discussion, “Of course this is my emotional blue personality type speaking—how would you others see it differently?” These insights help us speak to each other’s “color” in the most effective way possible.

Color-based words directly engage the prime motive of each personality color and so have been proven to create the most effective communication.

master mind

Various personality types have a primary mode of being/seeing through a lens of making progress (Red), or emphasizing enjoyment (Yellow), or being of intimate service (Blue), or creating peace (White). Imagine the richness when all prime Color types are part of the Master Mind and aware of and using this science.

Can you imagine how grateful and delighted I am to have learned all these skills so that I can have the most effective Master Minds possible in my life?

Through the Master Key Experience –- after decades of searching –- I’m finally empowered with the tools that make my Master Minds the most effective they can be, since “no one makes it without a Master Mind.” I gratefully realize I could not have created breakthroughs I’ve longed for on my own.

You Can Get This In-Depth Training Too

So I understand if up till now you have not had something like this and have been missing out. I skimmed life, too.

If you’re ready to stop skimming and to start doing the deep work that creates breakthroughs in having a Master Mind and more, I can help you accept the gift of a scholarship to the next Master Key Experience that generally begins on the last Sunday of September every year.

Fortunately you can get started today by putting your name on the waiting list for the next Master Key Experience course.

When you’ve clicked to do that, the 7 DAY MENTAL DIET comes up or a chance to sign up for the class right away. Download, print, read, and try the Diet! Once you sign up, we’ll keep in touch by email, even sharing tips of what helped us to do the Diet.

Sound good? Why not check it out now?

You know what they say–if not now, when? If not you, who?

No one can get the key to YOUR breakthroughs but YOU. No one can get through what’s locking that door but YOU–it’s a YOU-shaped key.

No one can make it work except YOU with the help of the right kind of Master Mind! I wish that for you in your future.

Read more articles by Shirley Koritnik

About the author

I'm always curious and "detective-y." Since 1993 I've used thoughtmanship and products from my brand partner to sleuth out ways high performing business professionals like me can uniquely strengthen their own mind-body connection. A former teaching and broadcasting nun, I'm prepping my next classroom--an international Detective of Magic radio show about the authentic magic we perfect in MKE. I became an MKE Guide to help others dramatically improve their lives as I have after decades of searching.

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