October 21


A Fresh Start with a Fall Classic – MKE

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A Fresh Start

The Fall is always such a busy time of year. A fresh start awaits!

Back to School, whether you have kids or not, always seems like a busy time. Programs come back online, we see changes in the weather, plus we need to get everything wrapped up for the fall and prepped for winter.

Well at least in Canada we need to prep for that!

But the biggest and best part of Fall is the start of another session to the Master Key System by Charles Hannel and the Master Key Experience (MKE) led by Mark J.

Upside Down

This year my world literally turned upside down and uprooted almost everything I thought consistent and stable in my life. My pillars of structure lay in a crumble around me.

As a blue in the Color Code, I tend to be quite emotional and all in on the thought process…good or bad.

The first 24 hours of this last crush of change, I had a rough time. I was in my head, milling over all the things that were completely out of my control and things that I could do nothing to change.

I was upset, angry, dejected, disappointed, scared, uncertain, and lost.

There were so many questions and so many thoughts and all of those ooollllddd blueprints were creeping in quickly and starting to dig in those sharp nails of fear.

Change Coming

After the first day, I started thinking that I needed to get a hold of myself. I hadspent the last ten years living in fear, walking on egg shells, and saying yes sir, please sir, and right now sir…

Every time anything had gone bad in my past, the thoughts had gone with it and things just would get worse and worse. I would get depressed, upset, angry, and everything else just seemed to continue to go downhill.

I know all too well that our thoughts REALLY do create our reality…so there I spent 24 hours filling my future with thoughts of doubt and fear, and uncertainty.

I Knew Better

I know that my words and my thoughts create the fabric of my future…and this is NOT the fabric I want to be weaving. A fresh start awaits.

I have spent a few years studying Hannel’s Master Key System, and if this is not the PERFECT time to put all of this into my new fresh start I don’t know when is. I literally have nothing to lose at this moment, I have no where to go but up.

So why would I want to put any restraints or limitations on myself?

Why would I limit my growth and possibilities?

This is my commitment to myself that it is time to let go and time to stop playing around with the expectations of society.

I want to live my Dharma, and I want to teach my children that you really can follow your dream, and you can make your life anything you want it to be.

** I CAN be, what I WILL to be **

Read more articles by Candy Sheffield

About the author

Candy guides you to determining the balance between family, dreams, work and fun with the Master Key Experience. Finding the oxygen for your soul, mapping your goals, and living your ideal life.

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