My life journey continues as Fall is in the air here on the Florida Space Coast, well as “fall” as it gets temperature-wise. Football season is under way and the baseball playoffs are right around the corner. All very exciting things.
What’s also exciting is that this year’s Master Key Experience (MKE) class is under way!
As I start my 4th year on this courageous journey, there’s definitely a different feel to things as a result of a promise I made to myself two years ago.
That promise was to go through Guide training after doing a deep-dive mastermind while going through the course a 3rd time with a Certified Guide.
“One of the things I learned over the last 3 years from The Master Key Experience is the importance of always keeping promises”.
Brad Van Lanen
At times that can be a challenge when the things of life crop up, the result of choices made. Courtesy of the law of karma of course. However as last year’s class came to an end, I was determined to keep this promise to myself.
I was determined to keep my promise despite my family relocating from Wisconsin over the summer and all that is involved with that. There was certainly opportunity for falling into old habits and refusing the call to be a Guide for the 2022-23 session.
Thanks to holding to my vision of being a MKE Guide, utilizing the tools in the toolbox, persistence, and encouragement of my Master Guide and Staff, I was able to keep this promise.
New Journeys Begin
One of the major benefits of the Master Key Experience is the hands-on support the Guides provide to members, from revising Definite Major Purposes (DMPs) to masterminding with a tribe on the Marco Polo app and/or Zoom calls, and being there to answer questions.
In short, as a Guide facilitating the courageous adventure as members discover their greatness within that has often been covered by years of cement (society’s conditioning).
Author Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces wrote extensively about this courageous adventure and describes it as The Hero’s Journey.
Guiding as members do the work of creating harmony by identifying their personal pivotal needs, envisioning their definite major purpose (DMP) and creating new habits that lead to manifesting quan in the world without IF they choose to do the work.
Charles Haanel talks about all of this in Part One of The Master Key System:
“The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without has been found within.”
“Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment and all success.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 1
All of the members of my tribe and of this year’s class are excited to see what manifests for them during this year’s journey. As a Guide, it’s an honor to walk alongside members as a facilitator, guiding them as they craft their DMPs, encouraging them in establishing “good” habits and celebrating their successes.
This is a new branch on my own courageous adventure, my unique Hero’s Journey. A branch that allows more of my greatness within to shine bright as I forge my own path along the road less traveled by a majority of mankind.
If you are curious about your own Hero’s Journey, get on the list here to make sure you are notified about the next class… and receive some free gifts in the mean time until scholarship applications open.