January 16


Ah Ha Moment – MKE, DMP and Me

Read more posts by  Janet Keith

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Ah Ha Moment

On a recent Sunday night of the Master Key Experience (MKE) webcast, Mark J. said we need to focus on our definite major purpose (DMP) every moment otherwise life will take us in another direction.

As I listened, I remembered that afternoon I was teaching a young lady to ride and she was all over the arena.

I said to my student that she had to see where she was going ahead in the dirt and be totally focused on getting there because if she looses her focus, the horse doesn’t trust her, takes over and would take her where he wants to go.

The lesson was for me too.

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This once-a-year course is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in self-discovery to uncover what you truly want in life and how to achieve it with the least effort.

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Read more articles by Janet Keith

About the author

Janet Keith is a mentor, writer, and student of horses and life. She is on the path of the Master Key Experience and following her bliss! Janet is training to be a Guide so that others can do the same.

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