January 15


Am I Ready to Stretch Even More?

Read more posts by  Kelley Hernandez

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Ready to Stretch?

There is a quote I have recently seen.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it’s old dimensions.”

— Oliver Wendell Holmes (added by the editor)

While I am unsure of the original author, I am sure of this, it is a fact. When we started this journey in September with the Master Key Experience, we explored what we wanted. Like many others, I wasn’t totally sure.

I had never given myself permission to truly visit that thought and all it entails. Once my imagination started flowing, the dream and purpose started to form. I was stretching.

Now I get to read it passionately daily, imprinting it on Subby to alter my life in a positive, purposeful manner.

For me, I was so concentrated on doing the exercises perfectly, that I sometimes wondered if things were changing. (Let’s be real, I am my own worst critic. Things are hugely changing!)

Now NARC is introduced. A new practice to help me do that “one thing” holding me back. As I hold my purpose statement over a garbage can, I actually feel physical pain, as well as emotional.

My stomach tightens, my head aches and I want to cry. How profound is it that in a few short months, I stretched my mind from having ” a pipe dream” to having a purpose so powerfully linked to my being, that I cannot imagine life without it.

If that isn’t powerful, I don’t know what is. The question now is, am I ready to stretch even more? Let’s do this!

Read more articles by Kelley Hernandez

About the author

I am a free thinking, adventurous, spirited entrepreneur and mountain girl. I enjoy creating and exploring my visions and true potential, while guiding and encouraging others to do the same and discover their bliss, one day at a time.

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  • Kelley, yes, so true that expanding of our mind through these trainings and daily practices are so powerful beyond the measure. Let’s keep going forward and upward!

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