December 22


Are there blue rectangles everywhere?

Read more posts by  Stuart Berg

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I cannot say if there are rectangles that are blue everywhere, but there a bunch on the road, as road signs, now in the season, as wrapping paper. I promised to carry out a simple task by Sunday, October 11. I “linked” this promise to blue rectangles. Well, before I had seen blue rectangles everywhere, I decided my promise is too important to delay.

Guess what? I completed my task by Monday, October 5, one day after making it. It feels GREAT! Now, per suggestion on the Master Key Experience webinar, I will still promise to do the task, linking it to blue rectangles, but I am now able to celebrate having kept my word.

As a member of the class, I submitted a newly revised DMP on Sunday and was awaiting some more great exceptions from my guide. I also decided to pull a picture off the internet of my “dream” house and promotion guide from my business.

As a side note, when I first started using the Master Key app on my phone, I would check off tasks, but they would not stay checked. This was actually a little frustrating, but then it worked. Woo hoo!

Blue Rectangles Bring Life Changes

As proof that something may be happening, when I was talking to my networking support group, I was told that I am sounding a lot better and look well too, more blue rectangle connections. Although I can be described as gullible at times, I took this to mean some small changes were beginning to occur. And they continued!

What are some of your thoughts? If anything hits you personally, please feel free to let me know.


Read more articles by Stuart Berg

About the author

My name is Stu B. I am a fiscal fitness consultant. I enjoy being a referee or umpire. In my spare time I travel and appreciate fine dining. And I enjoy being a guide for the Master Key Experience.

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  • That’s great Stuart! I remember my first year in the Master Key Experience, looking for all those shapes and realizing there were there all along, I just had to notice them. Great job!

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