February 24


Ask and It Is Given

Read more posts by  Tonia Chandler

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Ask and it is Given.

Many will say “I ask, but I never receive. Maybe I am not worthy.”

Many of us ask, but have lived for a time in indoctrination, traumatized by the outside world, transformed by what we have been told, been shown, by the practice of living undeserving.

Never ask out of desperation.
Never ask out of fear.
Never ask out of lack.
Never ask wondering How, When or Where.
Never ask thinking you are undeserving.

How to Ask

Instead, apply the Law of Substitution, one of the 7 Laws of the Mind.

Always ask in FAITH.

Always ask in TRUST.

Always ask in LOVE.

Always ask KNOWING you are blessed and worthy.

Always ask in GRATITUDE.

Begin to shift your thoughts and begin to practice worthiness.

Find like-minded support systems and know it is already done.

If you are interested in learning about the other 6 Laws of the Mind, click here to hop on the early notification list for the Master Key Experience course which starts in late September.

In the meantime, enjoy a FREE tool called the 7 Day Mental Diet that you can apply right away. This tool helps you become aware of your thoughts so you can ask in Faith, Trust, Love, and Gratitude.

You are God’s greatest creation ♥️

Read more articles by Tonia Chandler

About the author

Dr. Tonia Chandler, board certified in family practice and pediatrics, has served her community for over 40 years.  She has spent the last 15 years studying personal development, working with leaders such as Bob Proctor, Mike Dooley and Mark Januszewski.  Currently, Dr. Tonia utilizes her consulting and coaching skills to help others live their best life.

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  • Tonia, your clear message helps us apply the LAW OF SUBSTITUTION not just to switching out a negative thought with a positive one. You helped us see we could switch out a negative stance or emotion, too. Switch from desperation, fear, lack, wondering how-when-where, thinking I am undeserving to be effective in the “ask” part of of “Ask and it is Given.” So powerful! Thank you!

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