Did you know that you have a choice in how you feel or how you react to a situation? Don’t believe me? Did reading that first sentence already start a small ripple reaction in your
What are your Dreams? What is your driving force in your life? A few year ago, I thought my dream was to work and travel. I thought that I could do any kind of work
Give more, get more; is one of the things that I have really been trying to focus on lately. To just give without any expectation of reciprocity. My friend has been preaching Ralph Waldo Emerson’s
Do you notice all the kindness around you? Remember when our parents or grandparents used to say “stop and smell the roses”? We have ourselves so wrapped up in what is happening here or there
Eliminate, therefore, any possible tendency to complain of conditions as they have been, or as they are, because it rests with you to change them and make them what you would like them to be.
What is the watchman at the gate? This week has been full of opportunities for me to make sure that my subby is GUARDED from all the garbage trying to breakdown the foundation to that
The power of our subconscious mind really is completely limitless…or it should be. The only real limitations that we have, we put on ourselves. We have this access to an unlimited storehouse of knowledge, potential,
Do you have a Harmonious Mental Attitude? I mean… what is a Harmonious Mental attitude? I often reflect on this. I wonder why things aren’t going a certain way, or why I’m hitting all the
Harmonious? The dictionary says, “agreement or concord, such as man and machine in perfect harmony.”‘ Being in agreement, okay, in agreement with what? This is an easy answer. Be actively and joyfully looking for ways
Do you have a clear picture of what you want in life? What your dreams are and what you want your future to be? Or are you aimlessly ambling toward your future with no direction
The life of your dreams awaits! Make the pattern clear and make it beautiful; do not be afraid; make it grand; remember that no limitation can be placed upon you by any one but yourself;
I’m on the way to the dealership this morning and my mind goes wondering off to the service girl I sometimes get that I am not thrilled with and hoping that I don’t get her
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