August 26


EEEEK, I am Back in School

Read more posts by  Suzanne Lavigne

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Was I really ready to go back in school?

They tell you right off the top that this is not your typical weekend course. You DO NOT pay an exorbitant amount for two days of learning, note taking, upsells and more. Go home on a Sunday night; feeling all positive and ready to take on the world with your new knowledge. The binders sit comfortably on the counter for a few days before you decide that they are in the way and you tuck them away for future reference never to see them again. I have done this A LOT. 

Back in School


I stumbled across the Master Key Experience (MKE) Course by pure chance. An email showed up in my inbox from someone I do not remember. I usually delete those but this time I opened it. Hmmmm, this looked interesting. No one proclaiming they knew “the secret” to health, wealth and success. I needed to take a closer look. When the time came to sign up for a scholarship, I thought “What do I have to loose, after all what can you get for a buck these days!”

I came prepared for my first lesson with everything in hand I that I needed from the list supplied. Excited to learn something, anything that would help me in my life. After the first lesson, I have to admit, I was quite overwhelmed. This was going to be more work than I thought, maybe more then I bargained for. And homework! There was actual homework! What? I DO NOT remember anyone saying anything about homework! Nevertheless, I thought I would be a diligent little student and do what I could. After all, lessons were done via webinar so who would really know.

Being Accountable

As I started doing the readings on that very first day, something clicked with me. If I am not accountable for me then who else would be. If I wanted to change my life for the better than who else SHOULD be accountable but me. That first week was a tough one for me. I cried a few times as this lesson sunk deeper within me and I realized that I was worthy of a great life. I had a huge opportunity to take these lessons and work with them to be the best I could be.

The first few weeks were difficult for me. Getting in the routine of new lessons and homework. It did take a few weeks for my brain to realize I was back in school and learning new things. It soon went with the flow and loved it!

That was in the fall of 2016.  September 13 I paid my one dollar to receive a scholarship and the first class started September 25. Over the years, things that you learn seem to drift away if not used all the time. I will admit that is what happened to me so in 2021 I thought I really needed a refresher. I once again was doing the weekly lessons with the class and this time as a bonus, I became a member of a fabulous mastermind group. The weekly zoom calls inspired me. I looked forward to them and they kept me energized. This group still meets. It is so great to chat with people that are so interested in helping each other.

Being a Guide

This year, the class of 2022, I applied to be an intern guide. Another step in the process that people can take if they feel inclined. I am super excited to guide people on their journey, through this course and finding their definite major purpose.  Not only will I be I be a guide but I will also be completing all the lessons again WITH them. This is not a one time and done course. Some people have taken it once but so many others take it again as there is so much value and the lessons go deeper each time.

Join us this fall. Get on the list to be notified when the scholarships are available. I know you will not regret it.

You truly do have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Read more articles by Suzanne Lavigne

About the author

Suzanne loves to create using any medium available, including carpentry, drawing, even baking. Her passion for her family and being in nature is closely followed by appreciation for the peace and purpose she found through the Master Key Experience. Now, as an MKE Guide, she longs to share these tools so anyone can realize their potential.

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  • I can really relate, Suzanne – my first year was full of tears, but I realized – that’s where the growth was occurring! So HAPPY to have you as a guide this year! Thanks for coming back!

  • Great to hear your journey and the inspiration you’ve received from your Mastermind Group.
    Giving back as a Guide is a wonderful gesture Suzanne.

  • Thanks, Suzanne, for sharing another wonderful blog again! The truth is — if we cannot be accountable to ourselves, who can? Once those habits become — well, habits — it all falls into place effortlessly. And knowledge cannot apply itself.

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