June 19


50/50 Chance – Calling all Angels – I need a Lifeline!

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Remember the game show “Who wants to be a Millionaire?” and you got three lifelines if you were unsure of the answer? 50/50 Gave you an option of two answers, call a friend, or ask the audience, all of which highly increased your chances of getting the right answer.

Lifeline Alert

Well sometimes you just need to call a friend when life gets a little uncertain and you just aren’t sure about the future. I really liked what a friend said in our Guide Marco Polo group about “if you have faith over fear it makes the clouds disappear.”

I’ve always loved this picture of an angel watching over these two kids as they walk over a rickety bridge that my mother had had up over her bed when she slept. Every time life seemed a little too big, us kids would crawl into our mother’s bed and we would see that angel just keeping us safe.

Angels on Earth

Guardian Angel with Children Lifeline

Now I have my own angle picture above my bed that I found at a thrift store. Who would know what a treasure that print was to me. As I still need comforting from the heavenly friend we have in Jesus I look up at my picture as my children crawl into bed with me for the exact same comfort.

I am so thankful for this Master Key Experience mastermind group and the people and their life stories that slowly unfold.

In a way, I see you all as walking angels on this earth but just with skin on. If it weren’t for your struggles and your desire and fight to make a difference, none of it would mean so much.

I look forward to this journey of growth with all of you. My lifeline!

The Master Key Experience (MKE) is a powerful self-discovery adventure with daily hands-on help from 60+ Certified Guides. It will challenge you, but with challenge comes change. MKE members all say the same thing: There’s nothing like it!

Members have written well over 20,000 blog posts describing the details of their adventures and the changes they have achieved with the Master Key Experience course. Every available spot and scholarship has been reserved for now. The scholarships are limited because Certified Guides provide individual attention.

Go ahead! Add your name to the Early Bird Notification List so you’ll get ‘front of the line’ privileges for the next session.  We’ll send you an email notification a few days in advance of the new registration dates to give you a jump on the crowd.

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Read more articles by Heather Pasqualini

About the author

Heather loves life, family and adventure. She stumbled upon the MKE and realized that gratitude and happiness can be a part of your mantra no matter what life throws at you. Creating more intentional BLISS in her life she now enjoys helping others as a guide find their BLISS

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