January 3



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As we reach the halfway point of the 2024-25 Master Key Experience (MKE), it’s time for some reflection.

See, when you go on this courageous adventure you discover that implementing combinations is the best way to utilize the tools you’re provided in a toolbox to assist in chipping away at cement. 

This cement has built up over the course of life to effectively cover the greatness inside, particularly if you aren’t achieving the things you want to be.  

The Blueprint Builder

One of the first “assignments” on this journey is to write out (yes, using pen and paper) what is known as the blueprint builder that he highlights in his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich.

After handwriting it, this blueprint is to be read every day.

“I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture of that person.” “I will devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of SELF-CONFIDENCE.”

— Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 3

These are just two powerful aspects of what is also referred to as Hill’s “Self-Confidence Formula.”  So how does one accomplish this?

The Daily Tasks

In addition to reading the blueprint builder, there are additional daily tasks that members complete to remain in harmony. 

This includes reading the weekly chapter in Haanel’s The Master Key System, the monthly chapter in Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World, sitting for 15 minutes a day, completing and flipping through index cards with gratitudes, achievements, reading my DMP and plan of action, just to name a few.  

Committing one hour or so a day to completing all of these tasks, in addition to doing the things that Napoleon Hill mentions in his Blueprint Builder sounds difficult, doesn’t it?

Actually this isn’t though because of something known as combinations that make it quite easy once you make the commitment to do it.  

Combinations Make It Happen

The path to a new version of myself, a version that is achieving my dharma, is a learning process. 

Incidentally there’s seven ways that a person learns which makes applying all these tools in the toolbox quite easy, especially when you implement combinations of them.  I’ll highlight a few below.

The first way to learn is musically.  Remember learning your ABCs via The Alphabet song?  Or the bones in the body via Dem Bones

It takes some time to set up initially, but one option for impressing my new blueprint upon my subconscious is by making a recording of affirmations, my DMP (definite major purpose), and my index cards utilizing a song(s) that resonate.

A second way to learn is spatially.  This way of learning involves the utilization of shapes. 

As with the recording it takes time to set up, but connecting certain parts of my DMP, the smart goals, to colors and shapes is another fun and interesting way to impress upon my mind that new blueprint I’ve developed.

Finally a third way to learn is intra-personally.  Do you talk to yourself during the day?  Most people do. 

So instead of telling yourself negative things, why not tell yourself positive affirmations, your goals, your successes whether big or small?  Yet another way of learning that impresses the subconscious mind.

Combinations come into play when you utilize two, three, four or more of these ways of learning throughout the day. 

It’s how everyone who chooses to embark on this whimsical journey, the Master Key Experience, accomplishes what Napoleon Hill talks about in his blueprint builder.

So much discovery and there’s still 1/2 of the journey remaining!

Read more articles by Brad Van Lanen

About the author

Since 2019 Brad has been on a spectacular journey, a courageous adventure to discover the greatness of his world within. An insightful architect intent on living a peaceful life of true purpose Brad recently relocated his family to the Florida Space Coast, manifesting one dream to reality. Now serenely embarking on a new branch of his Hero’s Journey as a life coach, he’s standing by to provide you with encouragement, guidance and hands-on support as you traverse the road to manifesting your definite major purpose and discovering the abundance and riches that are within you.

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  • Great summary of some of the most powerful MKE practices…These practices are game changers as soon as we get the intimate conviction that they should be part of our life…for the rest of our life!

  • It’s amazing how ‘pen and paper’ makes so much impression on us.
    Thank you for the focused and detailed outline to how the ‘combinations’ work for us.

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