March 22


This is the Question: Could you or should you meditate?

Read more posts by  Wes Bartell

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Should you meditate?

You could or you should?

What is the difference between the following sentences?

  • You should do it.
  • You could do it.

The short answer is that “should” implies either a moral constraint or recommendation (it is desirable that you do it, either morally or for your benefit). You should eat regularly. You should not smoke.

The “could” form normally means you’re being informed (or reminded) it is possible for you to do it, without necessarily implying anything about whether the speaker cares what you do, or whether it’s beneficial to anyone. You could have chocolate flavor. You could be called up to speak at the convention.

You “should” do it, which means “You have some degree of compulsion to do it, arising from a duty, obligation, or best interest.” People often speak this way, meaning only, “I think it would be best for you,” and people are sometimes bothered to be communicated to as such.

Ability to do it

Whereas, you “could” do it, which means “You have the ability to do it,” and might also carry the sense that there are at odds with reasons for not doing it.

When deciding how to approach a simple barrier on a project at work or even how to grow your business, it’s easy to be hindered by conclusion paralysis. Most people are likely to ask themselves, “What should I do?” regarding big and small decisions. While it’s a good question, research has found that a subtle shift in how you ask it can yield better results.

Try switching out “should” for “could.” The word “could” generates more plausible and ultimately better solutions to problems and decisions because it is a “narrowing word.” In contrast, “should” pushes the brain to think as broadly as possible.

However, too many people are going through life thinking this way.

Written Goals

They could be better, they could find their purpose in life, or they could learn why written goals don’t work. Everyone could be more than who they are. This leads to complacency and laziness. Why should I? I know I could!

When deciding to participate in the Master Key Experience (MKE) program, one should do it. There is nothing like it. Just one experience of mine was to learn to “sit,” or as most people would as “to meditate,” What Charles Haanel suggests here should change your life from the “could” to the “should.”

Select a room where you can be alone and undisturbed; sit erect, comfortably, but do not lounge; let your thoughts roam where they will but be perfectly still for from fifteen minutes to half an hour; continue this for three or four days or for a week until you secure full control of your physical being.

Charles F Haanel, The Master Key System: Unlock Your Greatest Potential.

Learning to Sit

Learning to sit is a form of meditation. This should be done consciously; the key feature of a mindfulness sit is focusing on the present moment.

For those just learning how to meditate, a mindful understanding of a sit requires no props or preparation (no candles to light, mantras to choose, or techniques to understand); long-term practice can bring a calmer mind and less reactivity to stress, as well as many other benefits.

Yes, you should try it!

Read more articles by Wes Bartell

About the author

Wes Bartell has enjoyed life as a Naval Aviator, a career as a Software Engineer, and retired to become an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, it soon became complicated as to what his new role in life would be. Wes enrolled in the MKE course in 2019, and learned how to redefine his life and goals. Wes resides in Coarsegold, California, and is an avid Affiliate Marketing representative who enjoys helping other people be entrepreneurs. Wes became a Certified Guide for the MKE so that he can “pay it forward,” helping others to manifest their health and wealth.

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