August 21


Create an Astonishing Life – Dance Your Dreams, Light & Joy

Read more posts by  Shirley Koritnik

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As I got close to commencement my first time through the Master Key Experience (MKE), I actually laughed in delight and danced–and I was not expecting that!

Dance Your Dreams

There was one more week to go in our six-month master level class. I’d started struggling with sadness that the relationships we had had with others in the class and our Guides as we worked together would inevitably change.

I had anxiety about what would come next. What would it be like for me personally when the pressure to keep up my end of the scholarship commitment ended? How would I deal with the change in time commitment intensity? MKE has been a huge investment of time every Sunday night for class, every day with the action steps, once a week on a zoom, every Thursday blogging—and everything else that sifted in between all this.

Then that commencement night all that sadness and anxiety dissolved.

A New Beginning

First the Guides explained that it’s human nature for them and us to have been self-sabotaging in small ways because we don’t want this course to end. The whole course has been a study of why we do what we do–so that was an “OF COURSE!” moment that was a comfort to be reminded how normal commencement anxiety is.

Then they shared a bit about their future plans and how graduates of MKE can choose to continue working with MKE and the Guides in numerous ways, still Master Minding, still working together to achieve not only our personal Definite Major Purpose (DMP), but to join with them in achieving the DMP of the MKE vision to be available all around the world.

They told lots more transformative stories so we could recognize that we, too, have transformed and that it’s been worth it. They reminded us in detail about how far we’ve come and how many tools we now have. They reminded us that we are among the privileged few to have studied in depth the knowledge that has come down through the centuries from the great ones.

Finally, they discussed thoroughly two incredible helps to ease us into our individual and collective futures: tools and awareness for Self-Reliance and the Law of Least Effort.  They talked about the Acceptance, Responsibility, and Defenselessness that come with them.

Tears of Gratitude

As the class ended I just sat back with tears streaming in immense gratitude that commencement was so much easier than I had thought it was going to be. They convinced me that I truly have mastered the key to the rest of my life.

So I laughed in delight. I was ready! I was really ready! I can dance my light with joy and that is so different from what I’d tried before.

Years ago I had figured out that work day habits are an enormous time-saver–that once they are in place they’re a sort of automatic structure that can hold up your day. I had studied productivity a lot and had applied what I’d learned. I thought about how much easier habits made the work day–so much so that I had the image of myself, briefcase in hand, dancing across workdays over those foundational habits that were locked in.

But my lifestyle habits had not kept pace with my work habits. So nine months before MKE I had also enrolled in Noom, a “coach in your pocket” that used psychology to encourage me to add, strengthen, and secure lifestyle habits for basics like food choices, sleep, and exercise.

As a result I had thought I was doing pretty well to dance across my work days AND my daily lifestyle.

Mind, Body, Spirit

But it wasn’t until I immersed myself in the six-month MKE that I was able to experience the deep support and challenge I needed for even deeper mind-body-spirit transformation. It made all the difference to have a Master Mind sharing with me—other seeks as committed as I am to the hours of concentrated study and application.  Only here did I gain the knowledge and understanding about how the mind truly works, how it intersects with the body, and how humans really can make dreams come true and truly work authentic magic.

Only here was I able to uncover my purpose for being here on earth–and do the deep personal work to activate it by developing needed transformative mind sets, habits, and skills.

Most of all MKE gave me the shining confidence I need daily to vibrantly live into my DMP–I simply did not have that before learning how to truly eliminate negative thoughts, how to truly stop expressing opinions, how to truly remind myself every day of all the good I have done in my lifetime and bolster my self-confidence.  I finally realized to my core that giving and gratitude are the cause of happiness and not the result of happiness.

Astonishing Life

How astonishing that once you have the structure in place to fulfill the purpose you’re called to NOW and in the FUTURE, you can literally dance over more than your work day or your lifestyle. 

You can dance your dreams, confident that the foundation is finally deep enough and firm enough to forget it!  I can just be my most joyful self, giving light, receiving light, dancing light!

Join the next MKE class to find your astonishing life today!

Read more articles by Shirley Koritnik

About the author

I'm always curious and "detective-y." Since 1993 I've used thoughtmanship and products from my brand partner to sleuth out ways high performing business professionals like me can uniquely strengthen their own mind-body connection. A former teaching and broadcasting nun, I'm prepping my next classroom--an international Detective of Magic radio show about the authentic magic we perfect in MKE. I became an MKE Guide to help others dramatically improve their lives as I have after decades of searching.

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  • Thank you Shirley for this beautiful blog. I appreciate your take about the the commencement and how it made you feel. I also enjoy hearing you read it above all else. It makes your blog come alive and more impactful. Again, thanks. You truly are wonderful. Thanks for the gift that is you.

  • This last paragraph deserves attention;

    “You can dance your dreams, confident that the foundation is finally deep enough and firm enough to forget it! I can just be my most joyful self, giving light, receiving light, dancing light!”

    It is so empowering to have your foundation solid and go out and live your best life!

  • Shirley, I love your article, first for the beautiful and inspiring image of dancing your dreams, and also for the great way you are describing what makes the MKE experience so unique. Thanks for this great sharing!

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