August 31


Dreams come true!

Read more posts by  Esther Bae

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Dreams come true! They actually, really do!

Wow, what a journey it has been over the last few months to sell the house in Pickering, Ontario and find a house in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Starting from May, our family has been busy with house cleaning, remodellng and preparing for the sale. We’ve had many hectic moments but it has been such a blessing to live at the Pickering house near the Frenchman’s Bay and the Ontario Lake.

We’ve enjoyed the beautiful scenery and beach nearby. The whole process of finalizing the sale of one house and the purchase of another house happened within a one-week period. What a miracle it had been that the closing date for the older house was on July 31st and the closing date for the new house was on August 1st. How could we have asked for more.

Now we are finally settling in at our new house in Fredericton, New Brunswick after unpacking numerous boxes and rearranging the furniture several times to best utilize the spaces we have.

Now I am in Chicago to help my son move back to Canada to join my husband and me in Fredericton for the next year or so. He has moved to Chicago right after high school and lived in Chicago for the last 4 years.

dreams come true

He felt that he’s experienced enough of the big city life and he longs for the slower pace and a quiet life style. How perfect the Fredericton area would be for him!

My husband and I have enjoyed having our grown up two daughters returning home for the last couple of years with the oldest one and for one year with the younger daughter. Both of them decided to return home after several years of living on their own.

The way it happened was definitely something that no one predicted but it ended up being perfect timing and very meaningful experience for everyone. Especially after our family had gone through a very tough time starting back in 2016 and the following few years, this opportunity for each of our kids returning home has been such a blessing in so many ways. We were able to rebuild our relationships through reconciliation and deeper personal growth which was very evident in each one’s life.

Since my husband and I have decided to move to Fredericton with my husband’s new position at the Grace Memorial Baptist Church, my two daughters found the place near our old house to stay together.

We all felt that it was also right timing for them to venture out on their own and figure out their future. Now with our son coming back and joining us, we are very excited for this opportunity to build up a stronger relationship with our son.

I am sharing all this as this is what I was praying for and hoping for our family — to be restored and reconciled — to have deeper and stronger relationships after what we’ve gone through back in 2016.

Personally I am so thankful to God for the Master Key Experience (MKE) course that I took from the end of September 2017 to the end of March 2018, which has helped me immensely for my personal growth and healing journey.

This course came into my life at the perfect time as I was quite desperate with our family situation and I was very stressed out at the time. I felt confused and lost with such an unexplainable situation. But now looking back, I can’t help but to be so humbled and grateful for the experience and the Master Key Experience community that I continued to be part of since then.

Throughout last few years, I have been putting into practice of the tools and skills I have learned from Master Key Experience, such as having a DMP (Definite Major Purpose), doing a Sit (Silence), Affirmations, the Mental Diet ,etc. All of these tools helped me to be more focused and purposeful in what I was doing.

I’ve envisioned me retiring early and being available for others as I have been living such a busy life for so long. I also wanted an autonomy of having enough time to myself for my spiritual practice and in turn being able to empower others. Over the years, this all came to fruition as I just retired in June and we’ve moved to such a beautiful east coast Canada where the whole lifestyle is much slower and simpler. I love how close everything is, and everything gets done so easily and smoothly. People here are a lot more relaxed and nicer as things are less hectic here in Fredericton area.

dreams come true

Yes, I can confidently say, “My dream came true” as I reflect over the last few years and see where I am in my life now.

So tomorrow, I am off to Toronto with my son for him to visit his two sisters, grandma and two grandpas before he heads to Fredericton. I am so happy that I can come here to help my son move and very much looking forward to the next chapter of our lives in Fredericton with my husband and son along with a new church family.

There are only a few weeks left for the next Master Key Experience course to start off so I would strongly encourage you to sign up for the early registration. You can also download “Seven Day Mental Diet” to get yourself prepared for this amazing journey!

Read more articles by Esther Bae

About the author

Esther is very passionate about helping people to discover their “True Self” and to live their life to the fullest potential. Her own journey with the Master Key Master Mind Experience in 2017 opened her to an exciting internal journey of unpacking her life to discover her own True self to live more meaningful and peaceful life. She is eager to meet you and guide you alongside your own journey of Self-Discovery and New Vision!

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  • Wonderful share Esther! So happy for you and your family. I too am so grateful for the skills I have learned from the Master Key Experience course to gain more clarity of what I want more of in my life and what to let go of (things or beliefs) that are no longer serving a healthy purpose.

    So grateful that I met you thru this course. Your friendship and dedication as a Master Guide for the Master Key Experience is so appreciated!

    • Thank you, Jen! I am enjoying our friendship through Master key Experience over the last few years. I am grateful and humbled to be a part of the loving and powerful community.

  • Thanks so much for sharing all this, Esther. I love your detail about a big dream coming true…for yourself and your whole family. I love hearing how YOUR using all the MKE tools has helped not only you, but your whole family to move into smooth relationship transitions and smooth moving to new sites and experiences! I’m celebrating with you. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!

    • Yes, Shirley, thank you for acknowledging that it wasn’t just me but it has been such a blessing to witness the transformation and growth in each of my family members over the last few years. What a blessing and joy!

    • Yes, Maria, it truly does! We have been so blessed to witness many of our Master key Experience members seeing this happening in each of their lives as guides!

  • Congratulations for all these blessings you created in your life in just a few years…It is clear that you have successfully put into practice what you learned during the Master Key Experience training, and as a result, your life has made a 180° turn in the right direction! Thanks Esther for this inspiring post!

    • Thank you, Lucy, for your encouraging and kind words! Yes, I am so overwhelmed with gratitude and humbled for such a blessed life!

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