September 24


Being Present – Freedom from Limitations

Read more posts by  Esther Bae

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We all have heard the saying “The honesty is the best policy”. Yes, it’s so right, but how do you gain freedom from limitations to become your true self?

Being honest with myself, being honest with God and being honest with others was my motto at the beginning of my journey of personal growth and healing.

If I am not in tune with myself, I will end up going through this life journey just coasting along on a superficial way, missing out on many deep and meaningful moments. I can keep myself busy doing lots of things fooling myself that I’m accomplishing and contributing.

Being in Tune

I’ve learned to be honest with myself by being in tune with my thoughts and emotions and this helped me to be free from unhealthy and unnecessary expectations and disappointments with myself, others and God.

I may not be as busy and doing less things now but I’m feeling more accomplished and fulfilled with my life.

One thing that I’m working on now is to be present with myself, others and God each moment whatever I do and whoever I’m with.

It’s so much easier, simpler, peaceful, effective, freer, and meaningful to be present because I’m focusing on giving fully to that moment, that person and that task.

We are fooling ourselves and cheating ourselves when we try to do so much, take care of many people and keeping ourselves constantly busy because we are missing out so much in the process especially for ourselves.

freedom from limitations

Self-Discovery = Freedom from Limitations

Ever since I have started my personal journey of self-discovery and new vision with Master Key Experience (MKE) journey back in September 2017, I have progressed in being able to slow down enough to be present with myself first then with God and with others.

Yes, it required a lot of work and messy moments but I am so humbled and grateful for the journey and the growth I’ve experienced. I can’t wait to see more of this as we embark another year this coming Sunday!

Will you consider joining us along with so many of those who are seeking a deeper personal growth journey?

Can’t wait to see you in the MKE Class this year! Sign up here!

Read more articles by Esther Bae

About the author

Esther is very passionate about helping people to discover their “True Self” and to live their life to the fullest potential. Her own journey with the Master Key Master Mind Experience in 2017 opened her to an exciting internal journey of unpacking her life to discover her own True self to live more meaningful and peaceful life. She is eager to meet you and guide you alongside your own journey of Self-Discovery and New Vision!

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  • Esther, I enjoyed your blog and all the gems of self discovery. I appreciated you sharing how you were able to be honest to your self by being in tune with your thoughts & your emotions. I also liked your phrase of: Self Discovery = Freedom from Limitations. It is so true that you need to be present in the moment not only with yourself but with God & others. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. How would you describe what a growth journey is and what is needed to bring on that journey?

  • Wonderful Esther! It is so true that we loose ourselves when doing this and doing that all the time, also to and for others. We need just to be and to contemplate and reflect once a while. One can ask oneself why we occupy ourselves so much (if we do).
    Master Key Experience is outstanding because all focus is on the member, for the member, it’s only you. Magic things happen during the 6 month long course and I am thrilled to be on the journey again.
    If I am not mistaken are there still scholarships to apply for? Jump on the course and begin your most adventurous life journey ever! Just click Esthers link above!

  • Esther, thank you for your blog. How true you are – so important to be honest with ourselves, with God, and with others. I agree with you – The Master Key Experience can propel one on their journey of self-discovery onward and upward.

  • heya Esther – thanks so much for your post and the enriched dimensions and insight on honesty – “If I am not in tune with myself, I will end up going through this life journey just coasting along on a superficial way..” is much food for thought. see you in MKE Class this year

  • Such wisdom, Esther. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on how important it is to take care of ourselves so we can better help others.

  • Your progress in applying #MKE principles, Esther, is an inspirational joy to behold. Why? I know precisely what you’re talking about, yet I’m still having difficulty filtering down to the most essential as you are doing. The more folks I see who are successfully accomplishing this feat, the more likely I will, too. So, thanks! 🙂

  • I love how you say that living in the moment and having freedom from limitations give you peace — such a lovely concept. Thank you, Esther.

  • What a beautiful blog. Thank you so much for reading this at clubhouse Esther! I appreciate getting to hear your experience.

  • Esther, thank you for the reminder of the ancient wisdom for fulfillment and peace:. BE HERE NOW. As I read I thought how the past and future SO distract us from the truth right now.

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