November 25


Give More Get More

Read more posts by  Suzanne Lavigne

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How is it possible to give more get more? Most people do not achieve great results in life because they have childish, selfish purpose. However, the trained mature mind knows that every person must have some benefit out of a transaction.

“When a mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ of defeat is in every selfish thought.”

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System

Hannel goes on further to explain that you cannot profit from someone’s weakness, necessity or ignorance. If you do, it will come back on you as a disadvantage in the future. Those that recognize this have a great advantage in their life. They give more and they get more.

We do not need to go without. Self-denial is not success. Infinite Power is not bankrupt and because we are representatives of the Infinite Power, we should not be bankrupt either.

If you are in service to others, you will realize that you have power, but to get power we have to give it. We must be in service. The more we give the more we get. If you are working with preconceived plans of your own purpose, the Universe cannot express through you.

Give More Get More = Success

We often think that we are doing noble things when we are doing something for someone else but a lot of the time, we expect something in return at some point.

The best way to receive the most from the universe is to have no expectation of reciprocity. When the art of giving comes from your very soul and when it makes your heart soar, you will find that you will start to receive all the power the universe has to give.

give more get more

Remember there is a dynamic flow of giving and receiving. The secret to having power is acting in service. The more you give without the expectation of reciprocity, the more you will get.

I will see you all at the top, the very top, the tiptop!

Read more articles by Suzanne Lavigne

About the author

Suzanne loves to create using any medium available, including carpentry, drawing, even baking. Her passion for her family and being in nature is closely followed by appreciation for the peace and purpose she found through the Master Key Experience. Now, as an MKE Guide, she longs to share these tools so anyone can realize their potential.

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  • Thank you, Suzanne, for this great reminder of “Give more Get more”. Yes, we are in a dynamic flow of giving and receiving every moment and it’s so important to keep this dynamic flow fluid by keeping our mind in tune with the infinite power!

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