March 29


Gratitude: Victory Within the Misty Sands of Time

Read more posts by  Brenda Buck

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As this years’ Master Key Experience course commences, I find myself teary-eyed, and in a Deep state of Gratitude for all that I learn, and all that I now know, and… everything, really.

I AM Super Grateful for the Lifetime friends, business partners, allies, confidants, etc., that I have gained over the course of the last 7 years. I would say that my family grows exponentially every new season.

Life, like time, follows a Flow. Everything must be in Harmony and Balance.

The ability to change our thoughts at any given moment is quite a phenomenal skill to master, and in learning who I really AM, I use this magnificent tool several times throughout my day.

In the Master Key System book, Part 24, you will find that:

Our environment and the innumerable circumstances and accidents already exist in the subconscious personality which attracts to itself the mental and physical material which is congenial to its nature. Thus, our future being determined from our present, and if there should be apparent justice in any feature or phase of our personal life. WE MUST LOOK WITHIN FOR THE CAUSE and try to discover the mental fact which is responsible for the outward manifestation.

It is this truth which makes you “FREE” and it is the conscious knowledge of this truth which enables you to overcome every difficulty.

The conditions with which you meet the world without are invariably the result of the conditions obtaining the world within, therefore it follows with scientific accuracy that by holding the perfect idea in mind you can bring about ideal conditions within your environment.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 24: 21-23.

As I sit by the park, observing the kids playing, carefree and wild, some with their Mama’s putting sunscreen on their faces. I wonder, and ask myself…

Where has my Life gone? I was 27 just the other day, right?

I begin to reminisce…

Remembering back to when I was very young and carefree (between 3-7 years old), running barefoot and carefree through the back yard, my long blonde hair flying in the wind, and dancing, with one shoe on and one shoe off, to 60’s rock and roll playing on the old-style turntable in the living room…

WHOA! With mist in my eyes, I see her so very clearly now…

Young, Independent, Curious, Headstrong, Happy, Free, Loving, and Harmonious.

I AM my mother’s mini-me. Her eyes, her hair, her cheeks and nose, and now here in my later years, her physique.

I think of my own 4 children, and I see myself in each one of them, even though they are all magnificently and uniquely created individuals. Then there’s my grandkids… Simply Amazing!!!

I silently observe myself from within, and what I remember the most are the good times!

Gratitude for everything

Of course, there were some bad times, there always are, as those are what cause us to grow, and forge our Character. Those times are what gives us Perseverance, Strength and Courage. Gratitude in all situations- sometimes easier said than done.

Last month I received an Incredible gift from someone here within this Master Key community. The opportunity to spend a weekend at a Powerful Living convention near Austin, TX was presented, which brought me within 20 miles of where I lived as a young lady of 11 years old. Oh, I find myself returning Full circle yet again, and the memories are sure flowing now…

So, I share with you here that Music is very important in my Life…

The beginning lyrics to one of my favorite songs, The Logical Song are as follows:

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, oh, it was beautiful, magical
And all the birds in the trees, well they’d be singing so happily
Oh, joyfully, oh, playfully watching me

But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible
Logical, oh, responsible, practical
Then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable
Oh, clinical, oh, intellectual, cynical

There are times when all the world’s asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned?
I know it sounds absurd
Please tell me who I am…

Ha! Where I was sent to was Hawaii… SCORE!!

Growing in Gratitude

At the very essence of ME, is Bare feet- now digging my toes into the sand!

FREE to just BE Me! Thriving in the lush scenery and sunshine, and relishing the cool trade winds blowing through my hair…

I spend the next few years here, growing into the young woman that I was intended to become, gaining enough hands-on, real-life experience for a lifetime of knowledge and understanding.

So, looking at the sand flowing through the hourglass, I return to my original question…

My life story, now beginning to form itself into written words…

When I was a young child, all I ever wanted was to grow up, get married, and have kids. I never really thought about what to do after that. Now, thanks to the Master Key skills, I KNOW what to do after that!

Please check out the Master Key Experience here, For Yourself, Your Family, and Your Life.

Read more articles by Brenda Buck

About the author

As a certified MasterKey Experience Guide, Brenda Buck is a personal development coach and writer who is passionate about helping people grow into the best version of themselves. She helps other entrepreneurs grow, scale, and leverage their own businesses by connecting them with outstanding supportive communities.

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  • I love reading your story and getting to know you through your experience, which is undoubtedly a great reflection. Thank you, Brenda!

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