April 7


Happy Is, As Happy Does!

Read more posts by  Peaches Land

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Happy is as Happy Does!

Possible Definition:
This phrase may not be grammatically correct, however, when I first thought this phrase up in my mind (more about that later) I was thinking of Forrest Gump saying “stupid is as stupid does”. This expression may mean an “intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. You are what you do.”

So my feeling is you make your own happiness by your thoughts and actions, or a precursor to that is that you are born happy, then life sometimes prompts you into a different way of thinking.

The First Moment

Consider when a baby is first born, the baby was possibly smacked on the bottom, (only in days gone past I hope). Then bright lights shock the baby’s nervous system, so the baby goes from shock to shock.

An incubator may be involved, separating baby from Mum. Does that give the baby the feeling this place is safe and a space to be happy in? Do we know what that may set up in the child’s nervous system and perception?

We discover there are so many things that we encounter “outside” of ourselves that unless one has done some form of self-mastery or transformation, then we frequently start the blame game.

“It’s not my fault” or “I’ll be happy when …” or “will I ever be happy?”
We don’t immediately realize that our inside is reflected on the outside and vice versa.


How many of us are taught about Happiness?
Most of us may consider it something to attain, or something out of reach, or something nice has to happen first before we can be happy.

Some people may be angry that they’re not happy … we all know what a downward spiral that is! How can a person on that spiral consider being happy? How can they help themselves or someone else help them?

Much of the time we seek happiness outside of ourselves in many forms. So, how can we find the inherent happiness within ourselves?

Some folk go on meditation retreats seeking that silent space where they think happiness hides.

Instead, they may find frustration that their mind does not quiet down and find the bliss and instead, they’ve got umpteen shopping lists and jobs at home or work written in their mind ready for when the retreat finishes!

If their mind is not ready, after years of untransformed thinking, they may give up on meditation or other disciplines that may guide them in the right direction.

Our Theatre

Enter Stage Right: The Master Key Experience (MKE) 26-week course .

Act I

You are the leading role.

Instead of lines to learn, you are given different exercises and considerations to change and release your mind and thought processes from a negative condition into a positive and powerful thought process. (This may result in you feeling Happy!!).

“Learning your lines”, to act on your stage, your theatre of understanding is a process. You make up your own lines, those that suit you. You are inspired to be creative and colourful.

You are the beginning, middle and end. MKE is the material to encourage and inspire you. This 26-week journey supports you to learn about yourself in a gentle and encouraging way. If you do the work, you gain the benefit.


Why 26 weeks? Our untrained precarious minds that have led us astray for so long need the time to create new neural pathways and good habits that bring focus, clarity, peace, mindfulness and strength of character. This time period works for most people.

Act II

Happiness becomes us! We become Happy. Our actions lead us to think of others, not just ourselves. We become kind, generous, joyful people. All symptoms of Happiness.

You learn that serving others in a helpful way allows your supporting actors and actresses to receive from you. When they receive, they are likely to give back to you. This creates a moment of sharing, caring, loving, a reciprocal energy is created.

It feels good! It feels so good, you repeat it, they repeat it and your theatre changes for the better into a harmonious Act.


You feel real connection with your cast and crew (family, colleagues, friends).

The harmony makes for good theatre.

You all excel in your acting and lines and you all feel ecstatic.

The MKE provides such a community where you feel a genuine connection with others, learning the skills to live the life you truly want, based on your unique gifts and talents.


The energy and vibration of your own success and Happiness ripples out across the theatre. You receive a standing ovation. The crowd goes wild with enthusiastic applause! The play you are the lead role in is extended and you are now set up for a successful career and life.


Success in whatever you choose to do. You find your passion, follow it and accomplish that which you once only dreamed of.

You live Life = Living in Full Expression

Check out the next performance.
The next season of the Master Key Experience starts in late September.
Get on the early notification list..… give yourself a chance to find your Happiness!

Note: I researched “Happy is as Happy Does” and found that the phrase had been on the internet in 2019, so I wasn’t the originator of it … just goes to show that there’s a cosmic consciousness of shared information when you access the higher realms that MKE offers you!!

Read more articles by Peaches Land

About the author

Peaches’ favourite saying "Happy is as happy does”. As a Life Coach, Peaches’ training equips her to be the catalyst to your greatness. Inspired in recent times by the Master Key Experience, she can help you bring science and spirituality together in a synthesis of transformative skills for accelerated growth.

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  • Beautiful Insights Peaches! I am so grateful to know you and your beautiful spirit. Thanks for sharing “you” with all of us.

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