December 15


525,600: How Do You Measure a Year? Day of the Dreamer Dawns

Read more posts by  Jennifer Porter

minutes remaining

My friend and colleague Carmen Perez wrote “How Do You Measure a Year” today on LinkedIn:

How would you sum up your 2021?

So many ways!

I’ve spent a lot of time working on measurement and as the year draws to a close a song from the play RENT kept coming to mind….

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred moments so dear

How do you measure, measure a year?

In emails?
In slide decks?
In catch-ups?
In cups of coffee

In zoom mutes, in slack chats, in laughter, in strife

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure a year in the life?   

How about….

… what comes to mind for you? What sums up 2021?

(Play lead song from RENT, “Seasons of Love,” Written
by Jonathan Larson)

How Do You Measure a Year?

I love Carmen’s words so much!

Before commenting, I had to listen of course and got goosebumps!

And then I thought…maybe that’s it!

Goosebumps are a GREAT way to measure a year: how many times did we have moments that we noticed in our physical bodies (per Merriam-Webster) from a “…sudden feeling of excitement.”

Living on Purpose

Like so many in the Master Key Experience (MKE) program, I appreciate Carmen as an example of a human being living their purpose, on purpose, and putting so much love and passion into all aspects of life.

It’s what we all need to do. MKE helps to highlight where we each are in the journey of finding our own true selves.

Question: Are you finding yourself in the same physical or mental situation again and again, and you don’t like it?

Can you try a new approach and attach, for example, joy, in place of a previously negative response that is well-worn in your brain?

Follow That Dream

how do you measure a year

What if…

  • You could find gratitude in a difficult situation for seeing the lesson at last?
  • You could share your new understanding with the world?
  • You start a ripple effect which changes the history of the universe?

So much more is possible than we allow ourselves to believe. As Haanel says in Part 13 of the Master Key System:

…the day of the dreamer has come.

Charles Haanel, Master Key System

We cannot afford one more of our 525,600 minutes each year not living in the space of grandeur.

Haanel assures us:

…you will come into an understanding of the beauty, the grandeur, the transcendental opportunities which have been placed at your disposal.

Charles Haanel, Master Key System

Winter holidays, so many in December, (Dongzhi, Yalda, Yule, Humanlight, Christmas, Kwanzaa) are upon us.

As you celebrate with your tribes in this 12th month, find the place of your dreamer and hold on: the reality of an amazing year ahead is directly in your reach.

Read more articles by Jennifer Porter

About the author

Jennifer Porter excels as a sustainable development leader with 20 years experience on government and private sector sustainability initiatives. She loves helping people and communities make positive change for the future. Whether that is finding healthy solutions to life challenges, opening the business you've always dreamed about or creating a multi-million-dollar recycling facility upgrade in your city; Jennifer is ready to help. If you're ready for change - take the challenge - start with the 7 Day Mental Diet.

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  • Jennifer, great insights on how to look at this past year and divide up the minutes that we used to see how we used them. I enjoyed your quote from Charles Haanel: “…you will come into an understanding of the beauty, the grandeur, the transcendental opportunities which have been placed at your disposal. Let’s all appreciate the moments we have had but look for new opportunities on our new journey for this coming year.

  • PMA. helps bring grandeur to every minute as something for certain, instead of a maybe. Great post, Jen, and thanks for being such a great example of the positivity mankind can always use more of! 🙂

  • What a beautiful perspective you’ve laid out — something, I believe, is so important now, more than ever. You are such a gift!

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