Have you ever really contemplated on how change happens? Is it similar to the seasons of weather, which come and go? Or does it take much more effort on your part, a desire or passion to make this change occur?
Do you want to change your habits into positive ones that will stick? Or how about changing your thoughts, the way you think, which in turn influence the way your life plays out?
Change to Positive Habits
Brian Morrison puts it so concisely in his quote: “Change your habits, change your life”. The self reflection that is required to understand our habits is the key to changing our negative habits into positive ones.
For example, sleeping in during the weekday and being late for work are two often-noted negative habits. In place of those old patterns, substitute peppy music that puts a smile on your face to wake up to with a big sign in the bathroom “Being on time to work=Money”.
Another negative habit that many express is putting on weight. We know it’s not healthy nor is it helpful for our self-esteem. So try to add in a type of exercise each day that you find joyful: walking, yoga, working out in the gym, etc. (Also a quick tip: if you drink more water, it fools your brain in thinking you are not hungry!)
Change to Positive Thinking
You cannot entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day & expect to bring about beautiful strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of positive thinking.
Charles Haanel
Haanel’s quote is so true! The best way I have found to filter out negative thoughts is to replace them with a positive affirmation.
Haanel’s foolproof mantra is a lifesaver for me: “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, armonious, and happy”. Saying this a few times seems to wash out any negative thought.
8 Powerful Words
Hannel also shares the affirmation called the “8 powerful words”:
- Believe in Yourself
- Stay Strong
- Never Give up
- Be Grateful
- Work Hard
- Stay Humble
- Be Kind
- Keep Smiling
Though these 8 concepts are simple, it does take practice and determination to get rid of years of negative thoughts being put into your brain through yourself, family, friends, and colleagues.
Mistakes as Teachers
We all should stop being hard on ourselves for making mistakes. Mistakes are just learning opportunities in disguise. Inside each mistake is a nugget of wisdom that can make you better. You are not unique to making mistakes, everybody does!
Admitting your mistakes can liberate you. It frees you from the necessity to cover up what you’ve done so no one else notices it. Admitting your mistakes to others usually causes people to think better of you and can get you the help needed so that you don’t make the mistake again.
In the Master Key Experience (MKE), we learn that mistakes can be changed to success by substituting our thoughts of failure, despair, limitation, and discord with thoughts of courage, power, inspiration, imagination, creativity, and harmony.
Your Unique Gifts
How can you acknowledge your own unique gifts that only you can give to the world? Some suggestions to get you started on your MKE journey to uncover the true you:
- Remember what you loved to do as an 8 year old.
- Recall what you look forward to each day.
- Ask a few people close to you what they think your gifts are and mediate on the responses.

Next is how to apply your special gifts and tap into the energy of your greatness!
Of course, we all want to use our unique gifts to make a positive impact on humanity and the world.
As Wallace Wattles said: “The very best thing you can do for the world is to make the most of yourself”.
I encourage you to start today and create the change you seek now!
I was just this week discussing ‘Habits’ with my daughter. We had developed a great habit of meditating every morning and night and we had grown this habit gradually over a year and it had become effortless.
However, the last month this wonderful habit had fallen to the wayside but with the Master Key System back in my life, I am starting to bring back these habits again. It’s not easy though. This makes me realize just how challenging it is to keep myself from falling away from that which we truly desire.
Yes, I agree with your comments. Not easy but so worth it.
I’m with you two
It’s hard to believe you have a grown daughter – you’re a kid! LOL anyhoo I know the pain of letting go of good habits sadly we all do it from time to time. Such a blessing this reminder Mahalo my friend!
Great blog with even greater advices! Thank you for sharing Eulaine! Those advices are so useful regardless where you are on your life journey. The world would be better I think if everyone could live with this in mind and as guidelines. And the world is better and better because more and more people give themselves the chance to be the best versions of themselves.
Eulaine def knows her stuff!
Great blog, thank you for sharing your insights. I especially love the 8 Powerful Words. If everyone did just that, life would be grand!
We all love the 8 powerful words – agree great blog!
This is an excellent read, thank you Eulaine. I love Hannels 8 Powerful Words.
So many of us appreciated those I agree Deb great read!
“Change your habits, change your life”…such a powerful statement which, when applied to ourself, is indeed the best thing we can do for the world. Thank you Eulaine for this post full of wisdom!
6 little words and it’s everything!
Really enjoyed this Eulaine and never get tired of that picture!!! Mahalo for sharing the 8 powerful statements and my goodness you are so right about mistakes – we HAVE to make them in order to get better mahalo again!
Wonderful thoughts, Eulaine! I have to admit, the Brady Bunch and Peter are going through my head “When it’s time to Cha-ange, you’ve got to rearrange…” I’m dating myself. Love the 8 powerful words!
The best time to make a change was 20 years ago; the 2nd best time to change is NOW!
Beautiful blog Eulaine and Jen’s reading really resonate your message very well! Thanks for sharing your insights.