June 6


How to Make it Fun: 4 Ways to Conquer Procrastination

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Knowing how to make it fun can help you achieve even more than you’ve been able to do, regardless of the activity you’re avoiding.

Do you find yourself procrastinating on a project at work?  Are you embarrassed for not getting an assignment done for your organization?  Shying away from doing school homework or from taking on roles for church or a volunteer organization?  Yes, I have been there too.

What really got me interested in how to make it fun was the realization that I wasn’t keeping promises, I wasn’t doing assignments I needed for my own future progress.  Well, really, who else would do it if I didn’t?

Why It’s Important

This recognition came at a time in my life when I was promising myself that someday, I would start my own business, someday, I would travel to certain places in the world I’d never seen, someday, I would have an opportunity to make life better for me, my family, and others. 

The possibilities seemed overwhelming and I didn’t know where to start on them, so I didn’t.

That someday was getting further and further away from me.  Luckily, I ran across the Master Key Experience class and I keep coming back to it, again and again to gain even more mastery in keeping promises to myself, and building a life I truly want. 

Fun is the Reward Too

Since the class, I’ve had the fun of hanging out on a beach resort in Costa Rica with a dear friend of mine (who I met through this course)!!!  There was little effort spent on how to make it fun, it just came naturally.

I have been on a Mediterranean cruise to the Greek Islands.  I have explored the wonders of Kauai.  I took a sleigh ride around Lake Louise to celebrate the holidays.  And I am not done yet!

How I got here and made this dream of traveling the world’s great locations is testimony to the results the Master Key Experience achieves for EVERYONE.  Okay, well 94% of those who finish the class report more happiness, health, wealth and goal achievement in their lives in only 26 weeks.  Yeah, that’s testimony.

how to make it fun

And the other 6% admit that they just didn’t do the assignments, didn’t do the work, and thus, didn’t get results.  They probably didn’t catch onto how to make it fun.

So it occurs to me that as people hear or see about the wonders going on in my life (found my bliss by starting my own business relationship improvements, connections and gifts that keep mounting, etc., etc.), they may want to know how as well.  Bottom line, YES, this class is real and it works.

The Master Key Experience Course

Mark and Davene Januszewski are the brilliant minds behind this amazing course that is not for sale.  Last year’s class paid it forward for this year’s class, and it starts again this September! 

So, until the class starts and you get a scholarship, how do you make “class”, “assignments”, “fulfilling promises”, “goal achieving” reality in the mean time?  Part of what is shared in the class is how to make your activities fun and effortless. 

I still occasionally find myself procrastinating or just doing the minimal amount of work because I haven’t figured out how to make it fun.  I don’t enjoy the task, or I don’t see any results from my efforts.  I see the task as a waste of time, so I come back to this list to get on track.

And this isn’t just about the Master Key Experience course and the wonderful lessons it offers.  The wisdom of the power in making the undesirable desirable is laid out in one of my favorite books, Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, and others

The authors explain that one of the first activities to fulfill when you want to influence others, or even yourself, is to make the undesirable desirable, to understand how to make it fun.  They share several examples on how to make it fun, and how powerful it can be.  What a great way to avoid procrastination and create fun in a project, in a plan, in work, in any endeavor.

How to Make It Fun

Here are some tips on how to make it fun I discovered through the course.  I hope it helps you too.

1. Involve a friend or partner

There are reasons why we have amazing people in our lives.  When you have built solid, positive relationships, of course we want to involve these people in what we’re doing. 

And, involving others in what you’re doing is just another method to work on the relationship even more.  True friends stick around because they enjoy our company and want to support us in what we’re doing.  And they love it when we know how to make it fun.

Projects are so much easier when you grab a good friend to start working together, sharing ideas, checking responses, laughing and giggling. (Cause that’s what friends do when they’re having fun).

I am extending that idea to several projects.  Have you developed friends at work?  Wouldn’t they enjoy spending time together working on projects and goals instead of trying to do it alone in front of their laptops at home, or sitting in a cubicle alone? I do understand that there are people who prefer to work alone and in a secluded area,

how to make it fun

because the Master Key Experience’s personality profile class easily helps you define individuals’ preferences.

You can take the test for free and get some free feedback immediately by clicking here.  You’ll see how there are people who often just want positive feedback and a chance to share their ideas. 

Giving support and even praise for the work they do is how to make it fun for them.  Click on this free chance to get advice on how you can develop better relationships with people in your life that have different motivation than you do.

2. Set a small goal and celebrate it when it’s achieved. 

When you make 10 contacts to increase your business, when you have made 20 comments on blogs you love, when you have shared someone’s work on social media, when you file the report, when you complete an email series, celebrate! 

Knowing how to make it fun is something you get to choose, just like you get to choose how you react to any situation. You can treat the situation with kindness, or get wrapped into negative impressions of a situation.

Mark and Davene share the 7 Laws of the Mind in the Master Key Experience, and even published a book on the topic to help us be able to better manage our emotions.  That’s how to make it fun, no matter what you’re facing. 

When you realize you have the power to react, respond, or just let go of the negative emotional habits that keep you from being happy, you control adding the happiness and joy to just about anything.

3. Add a game feature. 

Pull out a board game, or create one of your own.  Move your piece around based on what you get done in the project.  Create a visual poster that shows progress, like you see when charities post a big thermometer to visualize how much money is raised.  Keep score against a common problem you face, so you can watch it disappear. 

Mark and Davene also teach us to create vision boards that fit a specific framework to help us program our brains to achieve all we desire.  Once I selected my critical personal pivotal needs from their list, it was easier to define and clarify what I truly wanted and go after it.

4. Use tools to put you into play mode. 

Wear hats and costumes, use crayons, employ the fun things you did as a child when you enjoyed working and playing with others.  Sometimes even sitting on the floor together can help make the work more fun. 

There are so many exercises we do in the Master Key Experience that use colored pencils or crayons, construction paper and colored poster board to help us connect with the fun of choosing and manifesting the life we truly want.  And they offer other exercises and play modes to consider.

This incredible course starts again this September.  Don’t miss out.  It’s only the life you want that’s at stake. In the mean time, now that you know how to make it fun, do it now!

Read more articles by Day Boswell

About the author

From corporate employee and global manager to unemployed, Day Boswell has created her own successful, growing consulting business, helping organizations excel. She credits the Master Key Experience with much of her success. Her passion is serving as staff, master guide and personal coach, sharing the principles and tools from that course to support others in having successful journeys.

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  • Thanks, Day! Your blog is just what I needed. I look forward to working with all these techniques to make tasks fun and achieve more!

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