May 5


How traveling changed my life like magic

Read more posts by  Day Boswell

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That’s right, traveling changed my life… without me ever leaving the house! So how is it possibly true that traveling changed my life and I didn’t go anywhere?

Don’t get me wrong, I love taking trips, traveling the world, seeing magnificent places, and exploring other cultures. That’s one way how traveling changed my life for the better, visiting around the globe, but the one trip I never anticipated would be the most rewarding was the one I did from home!

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

Marcel Proust

Traveling changed my life from my couch

Is she talking about travel from home via television? To be honest, I have recently become a dedicated fan of the Netflix series, Restaurants on the Edge. I think it is everything a television show should be, and a beautiful way to travel vicariously while experiencing change that impacts lives for the better.

The show hosts take us on a beautiful journey. They take time to understand the unique wonder of the individual places they feature. Then, they take something that’s not so wonderful, in some cases, just short of collapse, and turn it into something beautiful. I get wrapped up in the show, joyous as the people on the show celebrate the new place’s uniqueness and life-changing results. With them, I quietly celebrate the pride, love and joy that comes from uncovering possibilities.

I love how the hosts are respectful of the cultures they visit. I think they set the example of how traveling, with a sense of purpose and community, can change lives. I find it extremely rewarding to watch how they listen to the owners and really HEAR their concerns. Now there’s a habit many of us could adopt. The hosts skillfully hone in on the owners’ hopes and dreams. Then, like magic, they help those hopes and dreams come to life. One of the first steps they take is to help the owners release the mental cement that holds them back.

Traveling changed my life from my computer

Watching the show reminds me of the experiences I’ve observed and lived through the Master Key Experience. Back when I first joined the course, I saw myself as one of those “failing” restaurants. I had a LOT of cement between me and trusting people to help me get where I wanted to go. Now, years later, I’m even more grateful. As I look back, I see how they took me even further than I originally thought I could go! I hadn’t seen how traveling changed my life.

The Master Key Experience offers “guides”, like the host team on the show, that are trained and certified to work effectively and respectfully with any of the members. Your hopes and dreams are sacred and these people honor that in a way I’ve not seen or experienced before. Most surprising, they really care that you achieve them! As a student, I had regular access to the actual people, a true hands-on experience.

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”

Jennifer Lee

Gently prodding, pointing out the obvious (that I was on my own biggest obstacle), my guides encouraged me, helped me, gave me the space I needed, fully supported me until I began to create a life that was MEASURABLY happier. I learned to transpose my life into a life of freedom, unlike I ever knew previously. Instead of just talking about what I want, I GOT what I wanted, and continue to do so. They nudged me onto the greatest travel adventure of all, my own personal heroine’s journey. My, how traveling changed my life. And I’m still going… and growing, traveling on the journey and changing my life.

travel changed my life
I continue to learn how travel changed my life

But of course, I had to do the work. And I had to sacrifice — but not in terms of money! This course is unbelievably affordable for all the gifts you receive. The hard sacrifice was that I had to sacrifice old habits, and knock cement blocks out of my way that I created. Ouch, now that’s where the real pain lies!

So now, I anticipate traveling to change my life even more… another incredible journey. I’ve been invited to become staff, and to serve as a guide to help others. So I get to push myself to do more for others like I’ve never done before. I can’t wait! What a great way to travel through life, and make change in my life as I help others change theirs too. And now, I can’t wait to get back on the road, in the air, on the sea and see how traveling changes my life.

Won’t you join us on this amazing journey? Click here to get on the early bird list for the class coming this Fall! This is the secret to how traveling changed my life adding delight, joy and happiness. Find out how traveling the hero’s journey can change your life!

Read more articles by Day Boswell

About the author

From corporate employee and global manager to unemployed, Day Boswell has created her own successful, growing consulting business, helping organizations excel. She credits the Master Key Experience with much of her success. Her passion is serving as staff, master guide and personal coach, sharing the principles and tools from that course to support others in having successful journeys.

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  • Day, I also loved watching “Restaurants on the Edge” and was so encouraged how the hosts helped transform not just restaurants but the owners’ lives. Lots of tears were shed as I was so moved by each episode. How beautifully you have connected to the MKE journey! It is absolutely amazing, thank you for such a great blog!

  • I really liked the quote from Marcel Proust. Life is a continuous and adventurous journey and if you want to travel then you get new eyes all the time. And I could so much relate to your experience of the Master Key Experience. Which also is a fantastic travel without having to move around. That is a great travel and life journey from the coach.

  • In a time of restrictions to the travel a lot of us would like to do, Day, you point the way to another kind of journey, another kind of Guide. Thank you! And I especially love that the MKE inner-travel-linked-to-outer results is life expanding in a way physical travel could never be.

  • I absolutely love your perspective of traveling without ever leaving your home and how you relate everything to your MKE experience. Amazing insights. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us and thank you for reading it to all of us today at clubhouse. Beautiful message. Thanks!!!

  • I love how you treat the Hero/Heroine’s Journey as travel. It’s so true! We are each on our own course of “travel” through life. How wonderful it is to have Guides to keep us on our path but not tell us what that path is. I am so grateful for the MKE!

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