October 28


Struggle into Success — I am the Differential

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struggle into success

What a life changing and incredible block of time the last month has been in a struggle into success! In early September, I returned home from a work convention in Orlando renewed, refreshed, and excited about this year’s Master Key Experience (MKE) course once again, ready to take on the last quarter of the year, and face all of my mid-life changes occurring as of late and realize once again that I am the differential! Let me explain.

What really happened is an age old story of the pesky “old blue print” and that comfort zone that we all seem to have.

Laziness, procrastination, perfectionism, fear and resistance all showed up to pay me a very unexpected visit.

I must be getting ready to grow again…as there seem to be a few obstacles here that I must turn into stepping stones!

In mid September, I had MOHS surgery on my nose to remove some skin cancer. I had already researched the procedure, and even though it made me cringe, I assumed “Well, that can’t be too bad, and within a few days, I’ll be back to business as usual.”

Yeah, Not So Much…. I left the surgeon’s 4.5 hours, and 34 sutures later. Heavily bandaged, with a script for pain pills, antibiotics, and strict instructions to not reach, stretch, bend, exert myself, or lift over 10 pounds, for 2 weeks! Which means that I cannot think straight for a few days initially, or work, or passionately do my Fall decorating yet. I also realize that I must change these gauze dressings twice a day myself, and deal with the scarring underneath. Double Cringe…

Struggle Into Success From A Dark Place

Suddenly, I find myself in a very, very dark place, both mentally and physically. A place that I can honestly say brought me to my knees, and caused a LOT of very much needed self reflection to occur. Who AM I, really? What AM I the most passionate about, and how can I use my gifts to help others in the most effective way?

For the first week, I became very silent, and withdrew into myself…and I cried, a lot! More than I have in a very, very long time.

Great BIG alligator tears as my Mom used to call them! I went from one end of the emotional rollercoaster to the other, and then back again for seemingly no reason at all. All alone for the most part, I allowed the tears to flow, and cleanse my soul. Years worth of cement came crumbling off of me, and I began to see that tiny sparkle of gold again!

Uncovering the Gold


My silent thoughts gradually turned to what I know to be true, and what I know I must do.

So, I immerse myself into webinars, Zoom meetings, and company trainings every day. I organize my room, and all of my MKE binders, some of which are 3″ thick and full of so much incredibly valuable information!

I start reading Og Mandino and Hannel again, and in reading through Chapter 3 of the Master Key, these 2 verses stick out the most for me at this time…

It is evident, therefore, that all we have to do is let our light shine! The more energy we radiate, the more rapidly we are enabled to transmute undesirable conditions into sources of pleasure and profit. The important question then is…how to let this light shine, and how to generate this energy.

Hannel, Master Key System (3:13)

You are the channel by which the undifferentiated is being differentiated, and this is being accomplished by appropriation. It only requires recognition to set causes in motion which bring about results in accordance with your desire. This is accomplished because the Universal can act only through the individual, and the individual can act only through the Universal. They are One.

Hannel, Master Key System (3:28)

Oh My! Everything I have learned journeying through the MKE for the last several years is suddenly flowing back in the most beautiful way. This is awesome, and YEP! I AM ready for all that is coming my way.

Success as a MKE Master Guide


In having the Honor of being a Master Guide this year, I find this work to be quite enjoyable, fun, fascinating, and very liberating at the same time. I discover that it is a whole new ball game to guide an intern guide instead of work with the individual members’ themselves. Also, In reading others’ DMP’s, and working with members on how to refine their dreams into 300 words or less, I encounter yet another obstacle. My own DMP is too long and therefore must be refined as well. Haha!

I’ve heard it said, over and over again, that when the student is ready the helpers and mentors appear. I’m here to tell you, they absolutely DO, every single time! Ya’ll know who you are, and thank you so very, very much for helping me to snap out of the fog, and get my own assignments done, so I may begin to move forward once again!

Inner Peace is the Ultimate Journey!

Read more articles by Brenda Buck

About the author

As a certified MasterKey Experience Guide, Brenda Buck is a personal development coach and writer who is passionate about helping people grow into the best version of themselves. She helps other entrepreneurs grow, scale, and leverage their own businesses by connecting them with outstanding supportive communities.

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  • One more demonstration of the great power of Charles Haanel’s Masterkey System, Og Mandino’s Greatest Salesman and the Masterkey Experience itself to be invaluable resources helping us to create a positive environment around and IN us! Even in the most challenging situations, you remain a great example of positive mental attitude…Thank you Brenda for sharing!

  • Sending you so much love during your new transition, Brenda. What an amazing insight on your new journey! Never thought on the differential aspect. I will now. Like the differential in your car, a powerful tool for direction!

  • Thank you so much for sharing so honestly your journey of ups and downs. I think that sometimes (or often?) we find the beautiful pearls on our life journey from divings we go thru, IF we can trust the process even in these moments. And all the tools we have from Master key Experience are excellent in bringing us to our inner core when we need to most.

  • A very powerful story Brenda! Thank you so much for sharing and letting us know what you’ve gone through and where you’re going which is most important!

  • Brenda, I enjoyed your journey and I’m happy that your surgery turned out so well. It’s scary when you have to go through surgery and then take care of your self all on your own. I also was inspired by your Hannel quotes (3:13 & 3:28) and your other passage from OG Mandino. Thanks for sharing your amazing adventure. What is the difference between guiding an Intern Guide compared to guiding a member?

  • Thanks, Brenda, for sharing this blog, your vulnerability, and your successes! May your good work continue to bring you more joy and celebration.

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