November 22


I AM — What the Master Key Experience is All About

Read more posts by  Esther Bae

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I am is a bold concept and it answers, What is the Master Key Experience (MKE) all about?

Julie Marsden is one of the tribe members that I have a privilege of guiding this year. She wrote the blog below for Week 4 and I was very impressed how she well explained her MKE journey and described very accurately what the MKE journey is about. Please read and join us in our next class for your own self-discovery journey. Enjoy your reading!

I am


We all know that “I am that I am” but what does that mean? Where have we heard that before? Within the bible, Exodus 3:7 – 8 “And God said unto Moses. I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you”.

WOW, in week 4 we learn the power of “I” or the power of “I Am”.

When you say, “I think” the “I” tells the mind what it shall think; when you say “I go” the “I” tells the physical body where it shall go; the real nature of this “I” is spiritual, and is the source of the real power which comes to men and women when they come into a realization of their true nature.

— Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Lesson 4

Nikola Tesla famously stated, “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”.

We also know from biblical texts, and from science about the power of a “WORD”. “John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Again, simple yet extremely powerful once you understand this knowledge.

This takes us back to week 4 and the teachings regarding the power within, the power of our thoughts, how we communicate through this universal power, this life force energy.

The “I” must be something which controls and directs both the body and the mind; something which determines what they shall do and how they shall act. When you come into a realization of the true nature of this “I”, you will enjoy a sense of power which you have never before known.

— Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Lesson 4

Another biblical quote that talks of this universal power is John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”

Whether you are religious, more spiritual, or more scientific, it does not matter. The simple truth is there are universal laws that govern everything within the universe. Understanding these laws and how to apply them is extremely important and powerful, especially if you want to be the captain of your ship.

If you want to take control of your life, first you must realize and take responsibility for everything that has ever happened to you in your life. This can be a great aha moment.

Many people have argued that they truly would not have chosen such painful experiences, therefore rejecting the fact that they themselves were the creators of their circumstances.

I AM… In Control

However, when you begin to learn some very basic, but powerful laws of the universe, embrace these principles, and learn the tools to take control of your life, it becomes extremely empowering.

You can no longer blame others. You either accept these universal truths and begin to go about rectifying your reality by taking control of your thoughts, and the seeds of creation, or you continue to blame others and wonder why you are not living your dream life. The power is within you!

Once you have begun to take control by accepting responsibility for your thoughts, you begin to make the necessary changes, to change our reality. However, there are several other factors that will change your reality. Therefore, you may ask okay, what must I now do to change my reality?

We are talking about the individual mind, the conscious mind and how it influences the unconscious mind, and how each relates to the other. The unconscious mind or the universal mind works as instructed by the conscious mind.

How to Gain Control

When the conscious mind and the unconscious mind or universal mind are all in harmony, everything flows, effortlessly. Individually we are part of the Universal field, the Universal Mind, or the quantum field. That being true, it is said then that,

A part cannot antagonize any other part, but, on the contrary, the welfare of each part depends upon a recognition of the interest of the whole.

— Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Lesson 4

Is this then what many people know or believe what “Oneness” is all about? That we are all one because we are all part of the whole, the oneness, that Universal energy?

Accepting these universal truths, understanding that our thoughts are a vibration that communicates to the oneness – this universal source energy which is the seed of our constant creation with the universe. Again, this being true then one must ask themself, what must I do then to change my reality?

When we consciously eliminate vagrant thoughts, we begin to create consciously. Understanding that much of the time we are working from the unconscious mind, which is likened to the hard drive of a computer.

Our thoughts and assessments of our daily circumstances are the program we send to our unconscious mind.

This is again likened to the hard drive of a computer. If we have a thought or a belief that is negative, if we make a poor or incorrect assessment of a situation, we send to our unconscious mind (the hard drive in the computer) a virus that runs twenty-four hours a day continuously, until we acknowledge the flaw and rewrite the program.

Unfortunately, many of us are not aware of the flawed programs we have sent to our mind, the virus that is running in the background 24/7 on the hard drive or our unconscious mind.

Getting Help to Manage Thoughts

Here is where Master Key Experience comes into play. First, they empower you with knowledge, to understand at a deeper level. Secondly, the exercises that are done daily are meant to assist you to reprogram your unconscious mind, for success.

They help you to reprogram the negative programs that are running deep within you, that you are not consciously aware of but that are self-sabotaging you.

With this newfound knowledge and tools along with the guidance of Mark and his team, the excitement within me is exploding. I am understanding the power of the “I”, I am the master of my reality.

Therefore, the power is back in your lap, for you to take charge of your life, no one to blame, the past, being the past, the future being the future, and the only thing that really matters is the present moment.

Thought by thought, action by action, taking responsibility for your life, and knowing the power lies within you. Is this not an exhilarating moment? WOW A quote from Week 4 Master Key Experience,

This is not so strange or impossible as it may appear when you remember that the “World Within” is controlled by the “I” and that this “I” is a part of one with the Infinite “I” which is the Universal Energy or Spirit, usually called God.

— Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Lesson 4

This statement has been accepted or is a known fact which has been accepted by the most notable religious scholars as well as the best scientific minds throughout history.

Science has identified and knows the ever-present – Eternal Energy (some call it Source Energy), but religious figures, or religious/spiritual texts throughout time identify this energy or power is located within man. Some believe that our heart is key to accessing this power.

What we do know so far as we delve deeper into the Master Key Experience program, regarding the fact that using our thoughts with enthusiasm or feelings is the key. Why are feelings so important? Are our feelings the Master Key to communicating with the universe, the universal energy?

Let’s leave this question to ponder for the coming weeks. Please join me on this journey of self-discovery, and self-mastery.

I am in gratitude to Mark, his team, and all those who believed in paying it forward to allow others to have the opportunity to change their life through the access and implementation of the Master Key Experience.

Read more articles by Esther Bae

About the author

Esther is very passionate about helping people to discover their “True Self” and to live their life to the fullest potential. Her own journey with the Master Key Master Mind Experience in 2017 opened her to an exciting internal journey of unpacking her life to discover her own True self to live more meaningful and peaceful life. She is eager to meet you and guide you alongside your own journey of Self-Discovery and New Vision!

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