August 19


Inner World Power

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“There is a world within — a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty; and, although invisible, its forces are mighty.” – Charles Haanel

Have you ever paused to consider the immense universe that resides within each one of us? It’s not just poetic to think about; it’s profoundly real. Our inner world is a reservoir of unexplored thoughts and untapped potential, offering limitless opportunities for personal growth and inspiration.

It Starts with Thoughts

Let’s first delve into how our thoughts shape our reality. It’s fascinating to realize that what we focus on internally can significantly influence our external world. This isn’t just about positive thinking—although that’s powerful—but about understanding that our beliefs act like filters through which we perceive and interact with the world. When we fill our mind with constructive and empowering thoughts, we create a positive impact on our circumstances and attract new opportunities. Imagine the power in simply believing in your ability to succeed. Don’t underestimate the impact: our thoughts are seeds that grow into action and outcomes.

Followed by Emotions

Next, let’s explore the role of emotions within this inner world. Emotions can be incredibly potent, both as driving forces and as barriers. Instead of viewing emotions as something to suppress or ignore, we should embrace them as valuable signals. They tell us much about our needs, desires, and even fears, guiding us towards a more authentic life. How many times have you felt a tug of excitement or fear when facing a new opportunity? Those feelings aren’t just random; they are clues from your inner world, encouraging you to take bold steps or practice caution. By listening to and understanding our emotions, we can navigate life with greater awareness and intention.

Reconize Your Creativity

Finally, let’s talk about the inherent beauty and creativity present in our inner world. We each carry within us a wellspring of creativity that, when tapped, can lead to moments of pure brilliance and innovation. This is not reserved for artists or musicians; everyone has the potential to bring forth wonderful, original ideas. Think about times when you’ve solved a problem in a unique way or had an ‘aha’ moment that lit up your path. These are manifestations of your inner creativity at work. By fostering a connection with this side of ourselves, we can approach challenges with ingenuity and view the world through a lens of possibility and wonder.

Endless Possibilities

In conclusion, recognizing the power of our inner world can be the key to unlocking a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Our thoughts, emotions, and creativity are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. When we give attention to this invisible force, it can transform not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. So, let’s embark on a journey within, acknowledging the mightiness of our inner world and embracing the endless possibilities it holds.

Every fall you can embark on this journey of discovery with the Master Key Experience. Consider accepting the MKE Invitation now!

Have a wonderful day, and remember: The power within you can create magic outside. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

Read more articles by Brad Van Lanen

About the author

Since 2019 Brad has been on a spectacular journey, a courageous adventure to discover the greatness of his world within. An insightful architect intent on living a peaceful life of true purpose Brad recently relocated his family to the Florida Space Coast, manifesting one dream to reality. Now serenely embarking on a new branch of his Hero’s Journey as a life coach, he’s standing by to provide you with encouragement, guidance and hands-on support as you traverse the road to manifesting your definite major purpose and discovering the abundance and riches that are within you.

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  • This is incredibly powerful! If people would just stop and take a moment to read this and take it all in they would realize they have had the answer they have been seeking all along they just didn’t know how to access it! Well done Brad!

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