January 11


Kindness Everywhere

Read more posts by  Candy Sheffield

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Do you notice all the kindness around you? Remember when our parents or grandparents used to say “stop and smell the roses”?

We have ourselves so wrapped up in what is happening here or there or this or that, we often don’t take time to slow down and see the beauty around us. See the bounty of blessings surrounding us, or the kindness around us every second of our day.

Kindness Week

This week is kindness week and I always feel like this is my recharge on energy and passion. The challenge is to partake in 2 random acts of kindness (without being caught if possible) and either do or observe someone doing an act of kindness. Then go write them in our alliances area in the Master Key Experience members platform. The goal was 2000 acts of kindness in a week.

I love going in there and just reading all the different acts of kindness that my friends and group are participating in, receiving, and observing happening. Just reading a couple of the comments makes you smile. A few more, and you are genuinely enjoying being apart of the experience. Kindness week always restores what faith in humanity that I managed to mislay for a while.

Law of Growth

What we focus on grows, also known as the Law of Growth. No matter what it is, bills, stress, work issues, gratitudes, kindnesses, smiles, dreams, you name it. So if you are focusing on kindness, what do you think that you are going to see more of? and possibly…even in more places than you ever saw before?

Kindness is the framework of general happiness. Kindness starts a ripple effect to the farthest reaches of the earth, and far past our knowledge or even ability to imagine. Maybe you smiled at someone that felt no one cared, and you changed that. Maybe you picked up some trash, that another person may have tripped over.

Maybe your smile warmed someone on their way to an important business meeting that they were terrified to present at, which they knocked out of the park due to their increase in joy and confidence, resulting in the company getting the bid and saving everyone in the long run.

The possibilities are endless for impact on people, animals, the earth, the whole universe can be overrun with the ripple effect of the kindnesses everywhere.

I know for myself, when I am wrapped up busy, having fun, or laughing; it is really hard to worry about the stress, or the bills. I really have learned to not make that a part of my thoughts.

Focus on Kindness

Stressing in no way fixes or changes anything, but focusing on being the change I can be, and being kind in doing all things, and in all interactions… that is real change. That is being kind.

I am in no way better than anyone else on the perfect planet. I have a different situation and scenario, but I am in no way above or inferior to anyone around me. I need to address everything with the gentleness and kindness of the Shepherd to his flock. Taking the time to find the one that is lost, to help the one that is injured, sad, or depressed.

What are the simple things you can do to show kindness to everyone?

How about smiling at those you pass? How about picking up litter or trash and placing it where it belongs? Bringing an extra buggy or trolley and putting it away?

Shoveling a neighbours walk? Mowing a neighbours lawn? Texting to check in on someone, or even calling them? These are just a couple ideas that are free and cost nothing.

What about mentally wishing everyone you pass peace, happiness, and love for their day? Living by intention. Intention to be kind, and share a better world with everyone around you.

We all have good and bad days, kind and unkind things that happen to us, but how we choose to respond and continue in our interactions…that is where we chose to live a life of kindness by intention everywhere we go.

Head on over to the MKE Kindness blog page yourself and check it out, maybe even share some of your kindnesses as well. May you see kindness everywhere.

If you would like to find out more about our community that celebrates kindness, check out the Master Key Experience course that is offered once a year starting in late September. Be kind to yourself and check it out!

Read more articles by Candy Sheffield

About the author

Candy guides you to determining the balance between family, dreams, work and fun with the Master Key Experience. Finding the oxygen for your soul, mapping your goals, and living your ideal life.

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  • Candy, thoroughly enjoyed your article, made me smile. I remember when I moved here to Florida many moons ago, my youngest sister came to visit from NY and she was appalled that I talked to everyone and smiled so much! She finally relaxed and started talking to strangers as well! I will smile at people, even if they don’t smile back, it’s okay!

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