At any given moment in our lives, we have the choice to begin, continue, or take a bow and end.
As we set forth on this six-month long journey laid out by the Master Key Experience, (#MKE) all new students are required to write a weekly blog. Therefore, consider this a blast from the past, because it is the blog I wrote some eight years ago in week two of the 2014-2015 #MKE program.
An anomaly that I took full advantage of at the time, and that has since become rectified, or nullified, or made verboten, (which is German for forbidden) is there was no restriction, as there is now, on how long the blog title could be. Therefore, I include it here, because even anomalies get lonely and long for a second look from time to time. So, here it…
WEEK TWO – TODAY I USE MY FIRST NAME, instead of some “Crazy” Craig variation of my middle. Why? Just ask the Wizard of Og. He’s the one that turned me into a “new man”. That Og, that would Og Mandino, author of The Greatest Salesman which contains scrolls of wisdom to help us with our everyday choices in our lives.
In addition to that, I hope you enjoy reading what I wrote nearly a decade ago when I was not only a “new man,” but also a younger one as well (we are talking late 60s, back then, to mid 70s, currently LOL).
In this world our objective mind tries to comprehend,
We have the choice to begin, continue, or take a bow and end.
When such willful action must be taken amongst these simple choices, three,
To discriminate properly, takes right thinking, and that’s all up to me.
Do this, do that, do another,
Began at birth from our mother.
Will show the world, and everyone in it, just the way we are:
Just a comfortable pumpkin, or a silvery rising star!
Both conditions when set on automatic pilot, Will play the station we have set; so be sure to correctly dial it!
Remember to move in forward harmony with the Universal Express.
Will bring us more, via our subconscious, which really could care less.
Rewarding those of right belief and action, Results reserved for life’s center stage, and you its main attraction!

Removing those of wrong belief and action,
Time is too precious to bother with distraction.
Some have learned how to prey upon the weak,
And momentarily gain the prosperity and happiness, we, as humans, all do seek;
But such willful action taken,
Will coil around to bite and show just how much they’ve been mistaken.
Preservation of life and the desire to keep that growing;
So, carefully, discern exactly what you might be mowing.
The Universal seed of life that some have called inate,
Does well with love, will surely die with hate.
Everyone knows how to be, before we ever are;
So why not choose to be that rising star?
What we do with those thoughts we send,
Our entire world may depend.
Beginning was the easy part – externally directed;
The middle part keep green and clean, detached and unaffected,
(As though God Himself was showing up to check what he expected.)
What did we do with that key to the kingdom in our hands He did trust?
Is there more fruit to choose from, or more vacant land filled with only dust?
If you would like to find out more about making effective, healthy choices for your life, click here to receive a FREE tool called the 7 Day Mental Diet that you can use right away to become more aware of your choices.
In addition, you will have access to hop on the early notification list for the next Master Key Experience course which starts in late September.
It’s kinda hard to say anything other than a big WOW! Beautiful blog by a very talented dude! Mahalo Loren this is terrific!
Loren, thank you for using poetry/rhyme to unlock meanings that come only with rhythm and wordplay! What a unique vision you have and I’m so grateful for the insights you bring.