January 27


Master Your Fundamentals!

Read more posts by  Luc Griffet

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The Master Key Experience program is well on its way, and as an encouragement for those participants who are struggling to keep the pace, I felt inspired to illustrate its core purpose through a short story.

When I was a student at the Engineering School of the University of Brussels, I spent my days learning new concepts (mostly in the mornings) and then applying them in various labs and workshops (often in the afternoons).

We were covering all possible subjects: mechanics, electromagnetism, electronics, physics, chemistry, mechanics of materials, mineralogy, statistics, computing… and this went on and on for five years!

Over time, I chose to specialize in computer science, which later became my profession.

This specialization gradually led me to work on increasingly complex tasks in this field. Along with a few colleagues, I was often called upon to carry out advanced projects in different parts of the world.

Master the Fundamentals to Bring Out Expertise

Why did the people who hired us trust us to solve their IT problems?
Because they knew we had mastered our fundamentals!

The same principle applies to you in your own profession, whatever it may be: if you have accumulated enough hours of practice while using its fundamentals, you automatically became an expert capable of solving the most difficult problems in your area of expertise.

Doubt it? You shouldn’t. It has been demonstrated that anyone who dedicates at least one hour a day for five years to learning and practicing the fundamentals of any discipline will automatically be in the top 5% of the most skilled individuals in that field.

Where am I going with this? I’m addressing this particularly to those of you who are currently enrolled in the Master Key Experience (MKE) program, to offer you a fresh perspective on the training and help you maximize your results. Of course, if you are considering starting the next edition of the training, that might be for you too!

How to Reach Excellence

But before diving in, let me briefly give you another example illustrating the connection between mastering fundamentals, the conscious and repeated practice of them, and the level of excellence that this inevitably leads to in 100% of cases.

When I was spending most of my time traveling to solve IT problems and my wife was juggling her dual full-time roles as a mother and math teacher, we decided to hire a cleaning lady to take care of the house.

Maggy, the first cleaning lady we hired, immediately impressed us with the quality of her work — and especially with her speed. She could make the two-story house spotless in less than 4 hours, which was twice as fast as what my wife and I could manage together — and her results were far better.

One day, Maggy had to leave for family reasons, and after some research, we hired Jeanine to replace her.

Jeanine had no formal education — she couldn’t read or write —but our neighbors had recommended her as someone “trustworthy and efficient at her work.”

On her first day with us, I was responsible for welcoming her. When she arrived at 8:30 in the morning, I gave her a tour of the house and explained what needed to be done.

master the fundamentals
Image courtesy of GDJ, Gordon Johnson on Pixabay.com

After the briefing, I left for work, assuming she’d need at least the rest of the morning to finish cleaning.

Imagine my surprise when, around 10:30, I received a call from Jeanine saying she had finished everything and was asking if she could clean the windows because “they were a bit dirty”!

When I came home, I found the two stories of the house gleaming and the windows clearer than they had ever been. We had undoubtedly hired the world champion of cleaning!

How had she achieved such an exceptional level of skill in her job?

We quickly discovered the answer: Jeanine had been practicing her craft since the age of 12. By the time she joined us, well into her 50s, she had thus more than 40 years of daily experience practicing the fundamentals of her profession.

The Fundamentals of Life

I suspect you’re beginning to see the connection between this and the MKE program. Here it is: ALL THE EXERCISES TAUGHT IN THE TRAINING ARE FUNDAMENTALS!

But the fundamentals of what, exactly?

Since they’re clearly not tied to the practice of a sport or any specific profession, what are they connected to?

Here’s the answer: they are connected to the practice of… Life itself!

Yes, these Fundamentals are nothing less than the essential practices we need daily to ensure our lives unfold according to our ideal scenarios.

Once these practices are well understood, assimilated, and integrated into our daily behaviors, we gradually regain the ability to live a healthy and harmonious life, aligned with our temperament and life ideals.

“Of course, each person’s ideal life is different.”

— Luc Griffet

Some may choose an ideal of calm and serene living, marked by beauty and gentleness; others might prefer an adventurous life full of adrenaline and challenges; still, others may prioritize building lasting relationships, and so on.

The common thread among all these ideals is the constant practice of the fundamentals that lead to Living in Greatness — living in alignment with Universal Laws… exactly what our consciousness needs to keep evolving, guiding us step by step back onto our true life path, the one we chose when we incarnated on this earth!

Of course, mastering the fundamentals of the MKE program is no easy task.
In fact, this is even the hardest work a human being can undertake, explaining the individual support of a Guide and the requirement of dedicating at least one hour per day performing the exercises for the six months of the training.

But isn’t it also, at the same time, the only work truly worth doing, given the unique fruits it bears?

I let you decide for yourself.

May the Force be with you!
Warm regards,
Luc Griffet

Read more articles by Luc Griffet

About the author

Luc is a trainer and mentor in individual transformation towards a harmonious and joyful lifestyle. He has experienced numerous transformations during his life; software engineer, successful corporate consultant, efficient networker, entrepreneur, Integrative Energy therapist. Luc is a happy family father, and currently a fulfilled trainer and MKE master guide. In the realm of individual transformation everything is possible, providing you believe in it. Are you ready?

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