March 14


My Extended Sit: Profound Harmony and a Buck

Read more posts by  Janet Keith

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This week began the extended individual sits with no phones, computers or company. Just spending time quieting our minds in our sits with Nature.

I am working on a project and Mark said stay in acceptance and do not go into tolerance in the response to others. I thought about it and realized that I have been in tolerance of others responses for a long time.

What I want is to find the person(s) I am supposed to pass on the knowledge I have been given. Tolerance has kept the light from shining. Tolerance has had me back off joining them. I make them wrong.


I thought I was accepting their way of doing things but over time I flipped it. Acceptance honors both of us. I don’t tolerate what I don’t want in my horse, I change me which allows them to change. I didn’t notice that I had gone into tolerance with the people around me. I commit to honoring everything around me.

I have been doing the long sit and everything has been really quiet. Nothing had been coming to me until I went outside a little while ago and it was like an orchestra was playing!

Many types of birds were chirping and singing, 2 different cats were calling, a coyote was in the distance, and the waves from the lake were hitting the shore.

The leaves of the trees were rustling in the wind, several squirrels were screaming and leaping in different trees, a nut hit the ground, the sunlight was streaming, and I turned and looked into a wooded area and saw a buck looking back at me.

Each instrument and voice has its part, All are in harmony.

I am back in training. I am what the Universe created me to be.

I am very thankful for Mark, the Fab Davene, the staff and guides of the Master Key Experience (MKE) for helping me crack the cement on the golden buddha.

If you would like to find out more about the MKE, click here to join the early notification list for the next course that starts in late September.

Until then, you will receive a FREE tool called the 7 Day Mental Diet that you can use right away to become aware of your thoughts.

Thank you.

Read more articles by Janet Keith

About the author

Janet Keith is a mentor, writer, and student of horses and life. She is on the path of the Master Key Experience and following her bliss! Janet is training to be a Guide so that others can do the same.

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  • Thanks so much, Janet, for raising the question about what we’re “tolerating” in our surroundings, especially in the people around us. Thanks for the reminder that awarenesses like this don’t just happen, but that taking time to “hear” in extended silence focuses us on how we’re living our lives so we can see how to live them better, differently.

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