October 20


My Subconscious Mind: Why Did I Never See This Before?

Read more posts by  Nancy Ottinger

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Going through the MKE again, (year 9 for me) I can’t believe that I’ve never seen this!

My Subconscious Mind

How could my subconscious mind overlook this?

The Subconscious’ logical processes are carried on with a certainty and regularity which would be impossible if there existed the possibility of error.

How have I not seen that?!?! The subconscious is in charge of all our autonomic systems – heartbeat, respiration, digestion, elimination, vasomotor, muscular, hormones, and so much more.

Just image if you had to consciously tell your heart to beat or your diaphragm to expand so you could breathe? We’d all have assumed room temperature right after birth!

It Hit Me

So, in reading Chapter 2 of Haanel this morning – I was hit with that line.

What if our subconscious made the error of “forgetting” to digest our food for a few days, or was busy over there regulating hormones and “forgot” to cause you to breathe for a while?

How about if your muscles just stopped working and when you needed to get up from the chair, you were stuck?

Maybe subby was having a bad day, and while you were walking along, a bear jumped out in front of you and your “fight or flight’ mechanism, just said, “Meh – not now.”

All that would be left of you would be a yellow Chuck Taylor!

Definite Major Purpose (DMP)

Now let’s take that knowledge of subby never malfunctioning regarding your autonomic nervous system and think about your DMP and remember the four boxes Mark J talks about during the videos and webinars.

A THOUGHT, charged with FEELING, creates a DEMAND in your subconscious, which causes ACTION to bring about that thing.

We are programming that great mechanism -IN WHICH THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY FOR ERROR- to create the life of your dreams!

I don’t know about you, but I want to be on “TEAM NEVER-ERROR”.

What do you think?

~~Have Faith and Keep Going! ~~Nancy O

Read more articles by Nancy Ottinger

About the author

Nancy brings a wealth of life and health-care industry experience to her role as a successful and sought-after Master Guide. For over seven years, she has supported and encouraged dozens of MasterKey members to claim their best life. Her members include best-selling authors to best-loved Grandmas, whatever the member's bliss, Nancy's ready to guide them as they discover their true selves!

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