My way or The Way
My way or The Way? Have you thought about how each of us wants to control our lives to be a certain way?
We want to have our life in a way that makes sense to us. We want our job to be something that is good for me, makes a name for myself, and gets me paid enough for what I do.
We say that we want what’s best for the people around us, but most of the time what we want for them may not necessarily be what’s best for them. Am I being too critical and judgmental? I am just being honest here.
Honest question for self
Recently, I had a chance to reflect on my life journey and saw that for a long time I was striving to work hard, try to impress people around me that I am capable, and I am helpful.
It was a very humbling moment to face myself honestly and ask the question, “Did I do all of that hard work for my own good or for others?” Those others, may it be God, family, friends, coworkers, or even strangers.
How many times have I truly done things from completely “Other Focus” not just for me to feel good and feel worthy of approval and acceptance of Others?
I was meditating on what Jesus said.
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 4:16
He said that He is the Way. What way? Way of life, way to God the Father, way to the truth?
Our inner desire
You see, if we really look deep into our heart and soul, we will find this place of longing and desire to be like God, to be good and to be perfect. That’s why so many of us strive to be right, to be good and to feel fulfilled in life.
But can we truly be good, perfect, and be fulfilled in our own way? Where does that lead us many times? Overwork, burn out, stress, jealousy, fighting, disappointment, distress, cheating, pride, competition, anxiety, depression etc.
Many of us live our lives by continuing to press toward more accomplishment, more success, more money, more things, more reputation, and more approval. And then what happens as a result is that even though we want to be good, perfect and be fulfilled, we end up feeling more resentful, more exhausted, more disappointed, more desperate for more and sometimes we shut down.
“What’s the purpose of trying more?” So, we want to either give up or slack off. My way or the way?
Maybe some of you have not felt this way. At least for me, I found myself asking questions to dig deeper, for what or for whom did I strive so much in my life? Yes, of course, I knew God, my Lord Jesus all along but did I truly live for Him and for His purpose for my life?
There were more times that I lived my way rather than The Way. Whether it was family life, work life, or church life, I have lived my way so much more than The Way.
My Way or The Way
We just celebrated Good Friday and Easter Sunday not too long ago. As I was meditating who Jesus is and what He has done, I was challenged with his question, “Do I really know and understand the price/value of what Jesus did for me? Have I not taken His Love, His Sacrifice, and His Life for granted? I made God’s Amazing Grace into cheap grace when I took it for granted and living my life the way I want, not according to The Way.
I have been looking inwardly to work on my inner self over the last few years, so I know that I am heading in the right direction. But it was helpful to challenge myself to dig deeper to face tough questions to honestly sort through my intentions, my heart, and my desires to align with the truth of who I am and what is my purpose in life.
Master Key Experience Way
One of the most helpful tools and skills I have learned was though the Master Key Experience which I’ve started back in September 2017 when I was desperately looking for some ways to work on my inner self. I am not saying that I’ve changed overnight, but I have been grounded with strong practical principles and built many good habits that I am still carrying through to continue going deeper.
If you are looking for a strong community of like-minded people who are dedicated to work on their inner self and growing sense of fulfillment in life, please consider joining the Master Key Experience session that will be starting again at the end of September this year. You can sign up now so you will have a head start.
Ooh, you are asking tough questions Esther. Doing the inner work, good for you!