August 8


Now is a perfect time!

Read more posts by  Maria Pena

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When I was a child, I thought that people over 50 years old were old and could do little to enjoy life… now I am 51 years old and I realize how wrong I was. (I’m glad I was wrong)

At 51 years old I feel much better than when I was 35, I don’t know what happened in recent years, but without a doubt, the years have been very good for me, and my confidence and energy simply enchant me.

I’m Going to Be

When I was a girl I thought when I grow up I’m going to be a teacher… when I grow up I’m going to be a doctor… when I grow up I’m going to be an astronaut… when I grow up I’m going to… (Many things I wanted to do when I grow up). And when I grew up I was faced with many difficulties and reasons not to do what I dreamed of, they told me you don’t have the age… you don’t have the experience… you don’t have the knowledge… you don’t have the money.

Later, when I had the age, the knowledge, and some experience I became a mother, and time simply stops there… now I see that it was not age, experience, knowledge, or money that prevented me from doing what I wanted, it was me!

I was responsible for achieving nothing meaningful and did not have a clear idea of what I really wanted, and I let myself be carried away by the moment because of what others were doing and what my family expected of me.

Enter MKE

In the Master Key Experience (MKE), we read Charles Hannel’s Master Key System. Hannel tells us that our difficulties are mainly due to confused ideas and ignorance of our true interests. and this has been my main task within MKE, to discover what I really want, to know my purpose in life, what makes me happy, what allows me to live with energy and vitality at this age, which is the perfect time to achieve what I want. This only idea has changed my life for the better

Of course, I have had to modify my routine, change old habits and acquire new and better skills. Thanks to the tools that the MKE provides us, the process has been simple, and I have managed to remove a little of the cement that has been covering for so long.

Being a Guide

I know that now is the perfect time to start the adventure again, being a MKE Guide is for me the opportunity to help others on their journey towards a life with purpose and at the same time commit to mine, I know that to be a guide you have to give the example and I want to be an example that this process works 100% if we give 100%.

Now is the time to take a firm step forward and trust in ourselves, to trust what’s inside to make a better world outside, to silence that inner voice that cries out to us that enough was enough, that it is time to make a change; because things have been difficult, without a fixed course, without a direction, without a purpose

Since discovering the MKE tools including a defined purpose of life, one’s blueprint, reading Og Mandino, and meditating after reading Hannel’s reading, which are all undoubtedly important parts of the journey; however, the most important thing is to decide to take that first step regardless of the situation. No need to wait for more…. Now is a perfect time!

Enjoy your MKE journey; start by clicking here!

Read more articles by Maria Pena

About the author

Business Owner, Speaker, and Rebel With a Cause, Tax Expert Helping business owners to pay less in taxes while making more money. Mission: To Promote human values, financial education, and self-improvement.

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  • Thanks, Maria, for sharing your blog! I loved your message that life’s difficulties are due to confused ideas and ignorance of one’s true interests. So many spend the majority of their lives believing the “cement” that others subjected them to. What a freedom it is to determine one’s own true nature and live in that space.

  • Maria, the honesty with which you share your experience in this post allows every reader to recognize a part of his/her own process in your description. I’d like to share a thought which immediately popped in my mind when I read your sentence “I was responsible for achieving nothing meaningful…”: the thought was “Hey, wait a minute, she just wrote she became a mother!! Isn’t becoming a mother one of the greatest achievements a female human being can accomplish in her life?!” I truly belief it is! Great post and great source of inspiration, thanks Maria!

    • Thank you for your comment! You are right, being a mother has been a blessing for me, and I am thankful, I think if I want to teach my children to be happy and follow their dreams I need to do it for myself, so they can see what I mean, this; for me is meaningful

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