June 22


Observing The Power of Imagination

Read more posts by  Brad Van Lanen

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What a wonderful thing this is that we possess. It’s the highlight of songs about dreaming:

Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.  You may say that  I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.

 Imagine, John Lennon

and proclaiming faith in Christ:

I can only imagine what it will be like when I walk by your side. I can only imagine what my eyes will see when your face is before me.

I Can Only Imagine, Mercy Me

It’s the focal point of countless movies such as the 2009 film Imaginarium where a doctor’s mind controls an imaginary world. And who can forget the 1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy travels over the rainbow in her subconscious mind.

As children, each of us spent time imagining things. Maybe it was what you were going to be when grown up, where you would live, what the house would look like or places to travel to. Or maybe you visited the land of make-believe each day with Mr. Rodgers in his neighborhood. In The Master Key System, Haanel takes imagination to a whole new level. In part 8.8 he highlights that:

Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience.

And Haanel also issues a warning about imagination in 8.14

Do not confuse Imagination with Fancy, or that form of daydreaming in which some people like to indulge. Daydreaming is a form of mental dissipation which may lead to mental disaster.

Daydream World

This warning is a downfall that many, myself included, have experienced multiple times. How often have you found yourself drifting off to the daydream world, only to come back wondering where did time go and what was I actually thinking about?

Constructive imagination, on the other hand, yields the greatest of returns for all who master it. It is why the sit that is included as “homework” in Part 8 of Haanel’s The Master Key System is super cool!

The Sit Challenge

For the Part 8 sit, the challenge is to picture a battleship.  Simple enough, correct?  However, Haanel takes this challenge a step further with instruction imagine all the way back to the origin. Yet he does stop there, for it’s not the origin of the building of the ship or the production of the ore, but to the decision that brought about its building.

In fact, it goes even farther back to the discovery that ultimately made a ship on water possible. It is simply amazing what you can imagine when thinking in this manner for 15 – 30 minutes a day.

As the great chef Emeril says when kicking it up a notch in cooking, “Bam!” when it came to the new level of utilizing the imagination. What a spectacular journey of discovery during the study of Charles Hannel’s The Master Key System!

Join the next class of the wonderful Master Key Experience here. We are excited for you to join the mastermind!

Read more articles by Brad Van Lanen

About the author

Since 2019 Brad has been on a spectacular journey, a courageous adventure to discover the greatness of his world within. An insightful architect intent on living a peaceful life of true purpose Brad recently relocated his family to the Florida Space Coast, manifesting one dream to reality. Now serenely embarking on a new branch of his Hero’s Journey as a life coach, he’s standing by to provide you with encouragement, guidance and hands-on support as you traverse the road to manifesting your definite major purpose and discovering the abundance and riches that are within you.

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