The Early Weeks of MKE
The early weeks of the Master Key Experience (MKE) are full of tremendous learning. It’s all about finding one’s Quan, or that whole package of completeness that comes when achieving bliss.
To assist in this process during this week’s webinar I had to identify my Personal Pivotal Needs (PPNs), the two things out of a list of seven that are most important to me. These needs had to then be “woven” into my Definite Major Purpose (DMP) along with feelings. I’ve had the opportunity to receive some fantastic and challenging feedback to consider for my next revision from my awesome guide Brenda. Incorporating my PPNs of liberty and legacy has resulted in progress but still some refining to do.
The early weeks of MKE are full of fantastic discovery as I began to find and connect to a fantastic Hawaiian term Ohana to this courageous adventure and journey. To me, it is a term that helps with understanding why there truly is nothing like it when it comes to the MKE.
One of the powerful keys to success as well as achieving one’s DMP in life is a mastermind alliance. It’s why the MKE is so valuable! The various discussion groups are a terrific place to share insights and observations about what is taking place on our individual journeys as well as from the webinars and assigned readings. A tremendous place to connect and converse, but we also get to use another cool communication tool to connect with our guide, members of our “tribe” and other students going through the MKE, the Marco Polo app.

The Marco Polo app is a video chat platform where you can record messages to share with individuals and groups that you might be a part of. I love the ability to converse and collaborate with fellow MKE participants and my guide in this way. Not to mention reading the blogs of other courageous adventurers on the MKE journey and providing words of encouragement. It’s connections like these that make a mastermind successful!
Ohana – All Kids Know
All these masterminding opportunities focused around achieving one’s DMP reminded me this week of a word from the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch. We are foster care parents and this movie happens to be a favorite of one of the children currently placed with us. In fact this week alone I’ve probably seen different parts of the movie at least a dozen times. The word that stands out to me? Ohana. Wondering what this Hawaiian word means? Luckily Stitch can help us out.
I am confident Ohana describes the MKE community perfectly.
Why? It’s like an extended family with all the opportunities for connection and encouragement in the form of a mastermind alliance. On this journey we are all connected as courageous adventurers.
- A tribe of people bound by compassion, culture, support, loyalty, and love for each other.
- Like-minded individuals who want to help each other uncover the golden child that is inside each of us.
- A family where nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
Ohana. What a great honor it is to be a part of the MKE!
Want to be a courageous adventurers in MKE? The next class is starting very soon!
Thanks, Brad, for sharing your blog! The Master Key Experience is truly an example of “Ohana”. Everyone is accepted, loved, and supported.
100% which makes it so rewarding and exciting to be a part of.
This is great Brad, I love when you can find a life lesson in a movie. They are full of them! And this one is powerful!
It’s very powerful. And rewarding when you they jump out after going through the Master Key Experience.
I absolutely loved learning these words new to me! I loved how you tied them into MKE, which I agree with you, is so wonderful and worth the hard work.
Isn’t it fantastic how so much that we see around us can be tied into the MKE?
What an encouraging, complete, special blog this is, Brad. A real tribute to the community family. So grateful I’ve gotten to know you as part of this amazing group.
Very interesting review of all we were taught in the Master Key Experience. It is always good to have a refresher of these ides. Thanks. Best of luck in all you do.
Your description of the Master Key Experience reminded me of all the wonderful and powerful emotions that resided within me thru the whole journey when I was a member. Thank you Brad, for inspiring and summing-up of what Master Key Experience is all about!