October 24


One Big Question – What is a DMP? Your Dharma Can Develop in Perfect Harmony!

Read more posts by  Suzanne Lavigne

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Do you know your dharma? Do you what a DMP is?

Dharma – DMP

I know that I did not once upon a time; it seems like so long ago now. Acronyms. Really? Another acronym I have to learn in a long list of acronyms (some of them useless) that I had to learn on the pathway of my life and have not used for a very long while, but I digress so I will get back at it.

A DMP is a definite major purpose. This is what you really want in your life, it’s your dharma. Your true purpose. What makes your heart sing whenever you think about it. Many of us have went most of our lives not really knowing what we want for ourselves. We are told by parents, teachers counsellors, friends and others what they think we should be doing.

Making Your Life Happen

We listen as these people tend to know what is best for us or so we think. We go get the education we need and pursue a career we do not want. We let the days slowly slide by until something happens that change our circumstances, sometimes good and sometimes not. Only then do we reevaluate what we have been doing.

When we do come to the realization that what we have been doing really has not created any joy for us we still watch the days slide by as we do not have any idea about how to achieving our definite major purpose. We are overwhelmed and soon let it pass by like a leaf blowing in the wind.

Big Question

So here is the one big question that I need to ask.

Do you know your definite major purpose?

Are you living your dharma, the life of your dreams or just living day by day thinking quietly to yourself “there must be more”?

Please listen when I tell you that there is more. There is more for you and for anyone else that is willing to put in a little bit of work and go after their dreams.

Now is the time to stop living a life of quiet desperation.

Now is the time to figure out your purpose and better yet a working plan of action to achieve it.

We are on this earth for a purpose. Let us help you discover yours! Click here to get on the next Master Key Experience scholarship list. 

Read more articles by Suzanne Lavigne

About the author

Suzanne loves to create using any medium available, including carpentry, drawing, even baking. Her passion for her family and being in nature is closely followed by appreciation for the peace and purpose she found through the Master Key Experience. Now, as an MKE Guide, she longs to share these tools so anyone can realize their potential.

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