June 28


One Easy Step – Unleash The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

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There are 7 Powerful Laws of Your Mind and today we’ll chat about the Law of Subconscious Activity and the power of your subconscious mind.

The human mind is an incredibly complex and intricate system. The Power of your subconscious mind is unfathomable. It is composed of many different layers, including the conscious and subconscious, who we loving refer to as “The Subby”.

While we are aware of our conscious thoughts and actions, the subconscious operates behind the scenes, affecting our behavior and perceptions in ways that we may not even be aware of. Here we are going to explore the concept of subconscious activity, its importance, and how it impacts our lives.

Subconscious Activity

The subconscious mind is responsible for many of our automatic behaviors and reactions. It is the part of the mind that stores our memories, beliefs, and values, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts and behaviors.

For example, when we learn to ride a bike, the process of balancing becomes automatic after a certain amount of practice. We don’t have to consciously think about how to balance; it becomes a subconscious activity.

It’s the same with learning to drive a care or even walk. If we had to think, ok left foot then right foot, now step up. We’d be executed and probably end up walking of a cliff.

Similarly, our beliefs and values are often formed at a subconscious level based on our experiences and upbringing.

This is so essential this formation of our beliefs and values.

These ideas are poured on us before we are 7 years old. According to world famous behavioralist B.F. Skinner describes this process as being attacks.

“Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless. It enslaves him almost before he has tasted freedom.”

B. F. Skinner

Ok, that’s gross.

One of the most significant aspects of the subconscious mind is its ability to process information at a much faster rate than the conscious mind. While the conscious mind can only process a limited amount of information at any given time, the subconscious can process a vast amount of information simultaneously.

Imagine your subconscious is an elephant. Your conscious is an ant walking on the back of the elephant. The ant ‘BELIEVES’ it’s going south, but the elephant is walking north so which way is the ant going?

Power of your subconscious mind

This means that the power of your subconscious mind is constantly processing information about our environment, our experiences, and our emotions, even when we are not consciously aware of it. EVEN WHEN WE ARE NOT AWARE OF IT. This information is then used to shape our perceptions and reactions to the world around us.

You, dear reader, have been influenced what to think, how to behave, how to feel without any of your awareness. Do you understand the gravity of this situation you’re in?

Another important aspect of subby activity is its role in regulating our emotions. Emotions are a crucial part of the human experience, and they play a significant role in shaping our behavior and decisions. The subconscious mind plays a critical role in regulating our emotions by processing emotional information and helping us respond appropriately.

For example, if we encounter a situation that triggers fear, the subconscious activates the fight or flight response, preparing our body to respond to the perceived threat. This response is automatic and happens without conscious thought. But there are ways that you can circumvent this damaging flight or fight.

You dear reader have been influenced what to think, how to behave, how to feel without any of your awareness. Do you understand the gravity of this situation you’re in?

In addition to regulating our emotions, the subconscious mind also plays a role in our creativity and problem-solving abilities. When we are faced with a challenging problem, the conscious mind may struggle to find a solution.

However, the subby can continue to process information about the problem, even when we are not consciously thinking about it. That’s power people. This can lead to sudden insights and breakthroughs that seem to come out of nowhere.

You dear reader have been influenced what to think, how to behave, how to feel without any of your awareness. Do you understand the gravity of this situation you’re in?

It is important to note that while the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, it is not infallible. Our beliefs and values, which are often formed at a subconscious level, can sometimes be flawed or inaccurate.

Additionally, the subconscious mind can sometimes misinterpret information or make incorrect assumptions. Therefore, it is ESSENTIAL to approach our subconscious thoughts and behaviors with a critical eye, always questioning and examining our beliefs and values to ensure that they are serving us well. And we have the perfect solution for you.

This is easy to say but how does one do this, how do we approach this dilemma of influencing the subconscious mind? It’s simple just follow the 5th Law of the Mind, The Law of Subconscious Activity.

Here is the Law of Subconscious Activity: As soon as the subconscious mind accepts any idea, it immediately begins trying to put it into effect. It matters NOT what the idea is good or bad.

The subby uses all its resources (and these are far greater than is commonly supposed) to that end. It uses every bit of knowledge that you have ever collected, and most of which you have totally forgotten, to bring about its purpose.

power of your subconscious mind

It mobilizes the many mental powers that you possess and most of which you never consciously use. It draws on the unlimited energy of the race mind. It lines up all the laws of nature as they operate both inside and outside of you, to get its way.

What ideas do you want your subconscious to accept? Leave me a comment about what you’d love for your subby to accept.

  • New Home on the beach
  • Million dollars in the bank
  • True Health
  • Help and serve those you love

Then all you must do is impress upon your true desires into your subconscious mind. Easier said than done which is why we created the Master Key Experience – the course you can Try BEFORE You Buy.

CLICK here to get on the waiting list and receive your FREE 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on influencing your subby today!

In conclusion, subconscious activity is a crucial part of the human mind. It plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and it operates at a much faster rate than our conscious mind. As the conscious fires about 4000 synaptic connections during a thought the subby fires 40,000,000,000
billion with a B.

While it can be incredibly powerful, it is not infallible, and we must always approach our subconscious thoughts and behaviors with a critical eye. And that’s precisely what we teach in the Master Key Experience. Pinpoint critical eye details. By understanding the role of the subconscious mind, we can learn to harness its power and use it to improve our lives.

Get your subconscious mind working for you!

Mahalo for reading,
Davene Januszewski

Read more articles by Davene Januszewski

About the author

Davene Januszewski, CEO of Training Solutions LLC, has been successfully networking and speaking professionally since 1998. She and her husband Mark Januszewski, The World's Laziest Networker are living their dream on the island of Kauai.

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  • Davene, I love that you speak from the authority of decades of researching this and putting into action. I love your powerful image: “Your conscious is an ant walking on the back of the elephant. The ant ‘BELIEVES’ it’s going south, but the elephant is walking north so which way is the ant going?” Thanks for the reminder to ACT on this every single day.

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