October 12


Overcoming Opinions

Read more posts by  Janet Keith

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Lots of opinions – time to practice overcoming opinions! Lots around me and in my head. Right now I don’t really want to write this but I am choosing to be part of the group. I just felt the energy release as I said that. I am choosing to be a part of the group.

How I am overcoming opinions

It has been a busy week with many opportunities to have an opinion and for overcoming opinions. Some I heard and some I blocked. Back in training again. Only the thoughts to create what you want and silence the rest. When did I lose it? Why did I give it up? And do I really need to know. Just go forward and create!

And you too can learn about overcoming opinions to create what you want. Just click here to get a sat in the next class of the Master Key Experience.

Read more articles by Janet Keith

About the author

Janet Keith is a mentor, writer, and student of horses and life. She is on the path of the Master Key Experience and following her bliss! Janet is training to be a Guide so that others can do the same.

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