April 3


Regret is a Price You Can’t Afford

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Regret is a price that is much too high for any of us to pay.

Finishing something you start always gives a sense of pride and satisfaction. Seven years ago I started something that I had to finish in 6 months, called the Master Key Experience (MKE) and although I started the same process several times, due to many excuses in my mind, I couldn’t finish.

The Costs of Regret

But it was not only that; I had many new unfinished projects. I had Ideas that were not carried out and although there was constant progress, there was also the stress and exhaustion that comes with mental fatigue, due to a lack of concentration and habits that optimize performance and results.

I always knew that everything in life has a price and the price is not valued in money. Many times the price seemed too much, but I did not understand that regret is much more expensive and I had to pay it.

I must admit that the decision to be a Guide for the Master Key Experience was initially made in a selfish way, since my only interest was to feel obligated to do the exercises, to be in the webinars and to be prepared to guide others to do the same.

I wanted to advance in my own objectives, but little did I know about everything that I was going to receive in return.

As we progressed week by week and I shared with my small tribe, I realized that by giving, listening, and being there for others, I was rewarded in other unimaginable ways.

I learned to substitute regret for service.

I accept that I loved being a guide, not only because I managed to remove some things from my Definite Major Purpose (DMP,) but the service to others is much more rewarding and the only authentic way to get what we want.

Today, after having finished the 24 weeks studying and engaging in the exercises in the book The Master Key System by Charles Haanel, I feel peace.

I know that my journey does not end here and it must continue, as Emerson says in the Law of Compensation:

“In the order of Nature, we can never, or rarely, pay benefits to those from whom we have received them. But it is essential to repay benefit for benefit, inch for inch, weight for weight, penny for penny, what we have received.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Therefore, I feel confident and encouraged to continue as a guide to promote this magnificent experience to others around the world and why not? We can all benefit from learning how to become aware of our thoughts and substitute regret with directing our thoughts to create the Life we truly want. I am so happy to also share my gifts with those who speak Spanish.

If you are interested in learning more about the Master Key Experience, click here. Hop on the early notification list for the next session that starts in late September.

In the meantime, you will receive a FREE tool called the 7 Day Mental Diet that you can apply right away and learn to focus on what you want in your Life.

Read more articles by Maria Pena

About the author

Business Owner, Speaker, and Rebel With a Cause, Tax Expert Helping business owners to pay less in taxes while making more money. Mission: To Promote human values, financial education, and self-improvement.

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