December 11


Removing More Cement

Read more posts by  Kelley Hernandez

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As I sit here on the last day of November reflecting on this year’s course, I could not help but wonder about the removal of more cement of my own.

Have you ever had one of those habits that hold you back but don’t know why you do it? Ya know like maybe waiting until the last possible second to submit a blog?

I am just calling myself out on that one. Last session, it seemed like the cement came off in huge chunks. Freeing me of so many things I didn’t know were holding me back.

This year, I get to get rid of even more. In working with my tribe, I am inspired to grow even more. I am reminded that I am still unveiling all my true potential and allowing myself some grace for growth.

It is so easy to see all the amazing miracles happening in my tribe. The changes and evolution in the way Subby is working for them is astronomical!

So why is it that I set the bar so high for myself? Why is it that I can still self-sabotage and procrastinate the actions of what I know works?

I may never know that answer but, what I do know is that this stuff works. I can repeat the tasks, do the sits, do the reads and bust through more cement.

The gold shining through is getting bigger and brighter every single day. I only need to be willing to see it in myself the way I do others. Cheers to blowing up some more cement! It keeps getting better and better.

Read more articles by Kelley Hernandez

About the author

I am a free thinking, adventurous, spirited entrepreneur and mountain girl. I enjoy creating and exploring my visions and true potential, while guiding and encouraging others to do the same and discover their bliss, one day at a time.

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  • Hey Kelley, I guess you are talking for many of us here…!

    You wrote: “Why is it that I can still self-sabotage and procrastinate the actions of what I know works? I may never know that answer but, what I do know is that this stuff works.”

    If we really know, deep in our heart, that this stuff (ie. the MKE) works (and I agree with you, it DO work!), then the answer to the above question doesn’t really matter, does it?
    Because all we need to do then is to focus on this knowledge and make sure that all parts of our being, including the deepest ones, get it…At least, that’s how I view the thing! Thanks for this great thought provoking self sharing Kelley!

  • Remember Mark always says that you wouldn’t be able to see it in others if it wasn’t already in you. I don’t understand the self sabotage either… Drives me crazy some days

  • Wonderful insights shared! I think the self sabotage that we all do is just the human condition. If we aren’t growing we are just deteriorating more quickly but when we grow the process is nearly stopped. We do so good for awhile and think wow I think I got this! But then we realize that we cannot make it on our own we need help and that help comes when we sit still and surrender our life to the great conductor and that is when we truly begin the great adventure into amazing grace!

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