January 23


Revisiting my MKE Adventures

Read more posts by  Drew Timm

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This month I’m reflecting on how much my Hero’s Journey adventures effected and affected my part of the universe during my adventure going through the Master Key Experience (MKE). In doing so, I’m sharing my weeks 14 and 15 blog posts together:

In the walks we take on our given path we from time to time find that path taking a unexpected turn and our walk is either stopped, stalled or delayed. And once those turns show up unexpectedly, often we also begin to slide down the hill next to that path…..

Or at least that’s what would’ve been the usual in my previous walks, my walks before MKE opened my mind and eyes to the realities that are ever present in our lives.

Adventures and Insights

So here’s what that actually means: what most of us, including myself until the last few months, do when that turn or curve in our path shows up is we dwell on that! When we dwell on it we actually cause it to continue on in that unexpected manner or to even become much more of an obstacle than it had originally been.

And then at some point we would sit and wonder why us or why me, and so on! But in reality, it doesn’t have to be that way at all, not now, not ever!

In the week and month last to pass, I’ve had a plethora of random things show up in the middle of the paths that I’ve been on.

The me that once existed would’ve dwelled on those to the point that my slip, fall, stall or the likes would’ve become a never ending landslide!

Yep, that Was the old me.

The me that was here before MKE opened my mind and my eyes to everything that we actually have control over, our thoughts!

Imagine you on your path and that random unexpected thing shows up and instead of focusing on that obstacle, you focus on your destination!

And all of a sudden you get to your destination and those or that obstacle actually seemed as if they resolved themselves or never even happened! That has been exactly what my week and month last to pass have been like!

No longer do those random little things turn into massive derailing events, instead they kind of simply resolve on their own, as I don’t focus on them any longer!

I’d like to welcome you to my new world, a world where you have control of your reality! Thank you Master Key Experience!

The continuation of my week 14 blog commences as follows and goes through week 15:

Adventures and Growth

As I have continued to focus on the long-term and midterm things, the end results instead of the random obstacles that hit my path, everything continues to be presented with its own sort of resolve or it resolves almost on its own.

There came a particular obstacle that would in all actuality need me to do the one thing that I’ve never been able to, humbling myself enough to do it yet feeling humility in a way, asking someone for help with something!

Yes, believe it or not, even that decade plus of being at the mercy of others and stuck in a lift chair and I couldn’t ask anyone for anything! And often should have! So this is really just more verifiable proof that the Master Key Experience has indeed helped me to become a much better version of myself, because I asked someone for help!

And they emphatically responded with an immediate YES!!! Then that was followed by multiple random things that also would’ve been resolve had I not asked! Yet, they likely wouldn’t have without the aforementioned coming to be first!

But the important points here are that not only has resolve appeared multiple times, but I’ve been able to “Ask and you shall receive” and that asking thing is a Huge Huge step for me in my evolution into my new and best me!

Learning things that help everything become unified, learning how to be human, becoming a humble person and understanding that it’s not humility.

Learning that the focus on the end result of the future me is what and where my focus must remain.

Being able to trust in others in the MKE and Masterminding with so many others.

Finding blissful things, being grateful for so much more than even a grateful person like myself even knew were things to be grateful for.

Sharing things learned from MKE with others, being in a position that allows evolution, becoming my future me, creating new powerful habits to replace old not so good habits, and reading much much more and often.

Truly being able to see God in others just as we’re supposed to as God created us in his image, loving all people, discovering the realities that we are able to create, and becoming the ultimate best version of our unique and rare selves are only a few of the things that are ever present or becoming ever present since this session of the MKE commenced only 15 weeks ago!

I can’t think of any other place or thing in my lifetime that had or has brought so much so fast into my life and my world!

I know this blog post is a little different than my norm, but it seemed to be exactly what I needed to write this week!

Read more articles by Drew Timm

About the author

Drew Timm is a minister, published author, life coach, entrepreneur, and building contractor. As a confident builder, both of structures and people, he finds his life harmonious with a purposeful journey in the service of others. After manifesting his life’s goals and dreams, he decided to share that wisdom with others as an MKE guide.

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