October 6


Rise Above Fears – the 6 Basic Fears to Beat to Succeed

Read more posts by  Bedford Jackson

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It is certainly interesting the direction of inspiration when you release control, rise above fears, and allow your connection to the ‘All’ to manifest, and have its way.  The great Napoleon Hill’s words underpin this point so clearly. 

Man’s thought impulses begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent, whether those thoughts are voluntary or involuntary.

Napolean Hill

I am being led to the Master Key Experience (MKE) lessons by such a random process, that it is a miracle for me to see them unfold.  I have no intention for the week’s lesson, and it is done with my eyes closed.   I am literally being led to these blog lessons- wow!

Hill’s 6 Basic Fears

Hill’s 6 basic fears are the fears of: poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love of someone, old age, and death.  How do fears comes into one’s life?  It is both complex and simple to wrap your head around the answer to that question.

Typically, the thought of one of these fears having some impact in one’s life appears in the mind and as we know, thoughts manifest, so the fear then tangibly appears.  So liberating to know that we actually have control over them.

Eliminate the Negative

Do you ever notice how the things that you are good at in life lack the 6 basic fears? 

Take for instance, your favorite meal you want to prepare for others: it never, or very rarely, turns out poorly.  Baking good cookies, or making a cake has a process that can be done with no fear and ends up in the satisfaction column.  So, see? You already know how to rise above fears.

However, as we consume negative information from the externalities on this plane, we find ourselves in fear of what we think we lack or that which was marketed to us. 

If we assume that some of the 6 basic fears are inevitable to avoid (yes, we are all going to die/move on to the afterlife at some point), this does not mean that we must fear the transitions. 

In many cases something can be done about ill health.

Poverty may be a present condition, but not permanent. 

We all enjoy our birthdays, but dislike age. How hypocritical of us! Who perpetuates this fear of old age anyway?

We have to ensure that we maintain our relationships to avoid loss of love of someone.  We all have the power to keep fear out of all these life events.

Rise above Fears and Perpetuate the Positive with Inspiration

Get onboard with your good attributes and start there.  Now that is something that you can impact!

One final note regarding the fear of criticism: who cares! Why would I care what someone else thinks about me, when I know that I work to the best interest of all?

rise above fears

Apply this same thinking to your fear as well!  You and I can take the lead on this one.

So where does fear come from? Some of the 6 basic fears can be sourced from others (such as childhood influencers). Add to that friends, family, new media, social media, and let’s say it……. Big Companies That Want You To Consume A Certain Way.  

But don’t rush to blame the messenger here: the point is that we must become encouraging to each other to rise above fears, and surround ourselves by those that support our path, and not their agenda. 

This sounds like I am becoming more of a self-directed thinker, and since you have decided to read this blog, you are as well! Join us so you too can live a life without fear.


Read more articles by Bedford Jackson

About the author

Bedford Jackson III invites you to explore one of the best systems on earth for learning more about the inner you. The only real difference that will be made in your life is the one that you create and share with the World.

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  • Bedford, thank you for your blog. As you stated, so important to perpetuate our positives and work on replacing our negatives. I so have enjoyed how MKE has empowered you to become a more self-directed thinker by reading your weekly blogs last MKE course. Your blog rover friend John.

  • Great post, Bedford! I love your image of the preparation of a good meal: no fear in there indeed, only joy, excitement and pride to share with friends something we did well! And, yes, surrounding ourselves with people who support our path rather than their agenda is another secret to happiness! Thank you for these great insights.

  • Interesting concept of the 6 basic fears! Something to think about. Love that quote: Man’s thought impulses begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent, whether those thoughts are voluntary or involuntary. I will notice examples of this to cement it in my mind. 🙂

  • Thank you for your insightful and inspiring blog post Bedford! It is so important to surround us with people that support us and strenghten the positivity in all of us. And it is so important that we ourselves lift others and ourselves up and highlighten everything that is positive with us, even potentially positive. And that is a lot!

  • Bedford, I enjoyed your blog and Hill’s 6 basic fears which are the fears of: poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love of someone, old age, and death. I agree that each one has a degree of fearfulness for me. However, it is my choice to allow these fears to occupy my thoughts. I also concur with your thoughts about getting on board with our good attributes and begin there. It is so important to perpetuate the positive and get rid of any negative thoughts or comments. Both ideas are essential in order for fears to vanish, your attributes to blossom and your positive behaviors to replace the negative ones. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic and giving us some great reminders. How can you become a self directive thinker instead of letting the 6 fears eat away at your beautiful inner gifts?

  • You exude power in this amazing blog about overcoming fear. Thanks for being a beacon of light to others in need.

  • Wow! Bedford I love this reading and this content. You entertained and educate at the same time. I’m so glad to have listened to this replay of your reading in Clubhouse.

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