October 31


Scary Things: Celebrate or Fear – You Choose – Really!

Read more posts by  Day Boswell

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Scary things are celebrated on this crazy day in October. People enjoy parties, they’re watching scary movies, they’re dressing up like scary characters, they’re visiting “haunted houses” for a good scare.

Yet they’re celebrating, joyful, and filling themselves with, and sharing candy and “treats”, even when the day is all out about scary things.

We act differently though when scary things come into our daily lives.  We worry, we retreat, we have generally negative reactions, and it ends up hurting us.

I’m not talking about traumatic pain. I’m talking about the irrational fear we build around:

  • missing a deadline or appointment,
  • thinking people won’t respond to my ad,
  • guilt around something that wasn’t that important to others,
  • a growing anger over something that is not important, only scary to us in our own heads,
  • allowing ourselves to get upset about something someone else said and making it into a conflict in our heads when it was only a comment.

Lessons from Halloween

The National Retail Federation predicts that Halloween decoration spending will soon catch up to Christmas decoration spending. 

“More Americans than ever will be reaching into their wallets and spending a record amount of money to celebrate Halloween this year,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said.

In the article by Lottie Watts, NRF predicts 73% of shoppers will spend more on Halloween this year, beating the 2021 records.  She stated that Halloween spending is expected to reach a record $12 billion.

Maybe there’s a message there?  Maybe it’s time to look at those scary things in our lives, use the Law of Substitution, and begin to see them in a way we can celebrate, as many do now do with witches, ghost and goblins. 

We think they are not real and we celebrate the imagination and the creativity of their existence, unafraid of the thought and joyful in the moment of pretending.

Scary Things or Just Things?

Some individuals are packaging components of this year’s election in the US as a scary decision and I know there are several people who find the election process and potential outcomes, scary, no matter what side they support.  A thought choice.

The Master Key Experience, a phenomenal course about finding and living your bliss, first exposed me to the idea that I could choose to think about scary things any way I wanted to.

Charles Haanel, whose book The Master Key System, is the premise of the class, has a simple solution. 

“Every thought therefore is a cause and every condition an effect; for this reason it is absolutely essential that you control your thoughts so as to bring forth only desirable conditions.”

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 1:31

Someone didn’t do what I thought they should at work and now I’m upset and want to punish them in some way.  I could take it as an opportunity to get better in explaining my expectations, in being a better manager, or I could just boil.  And don’t think that doesn’t turn to a literal impact on our bodies.

Lots to think about with this phenomenon.  One thing I’ve realized is that some of us play Halloween almost every day.  We love to pull on a costume, or a mask that covers who we really and what we really want, but we forget to celebrate or live that role in joy. Every “expectation” unmet becomes a scary thing.

Celebrate the Scary Things

I love the concept of celebrating scariness, the unknown, the oopses.  That’s where real growth and breakthrough comes in our lives, Mark reminds us in the Master Key Experience.

So let’s celebrate the scary things every day.   Recognize that scary situations exist, but they are most often only in our own head, just little scary things we create.  We can move on from them with joy and a sense that we aren’t controlled by them, but that we can control them, or at least how we think about them.

The reason to celebrate?  We can think anyway we want to about anything that occurs.  Yes, we do have the power.

Nobody makes you mad.  You choose to be mad.  Nobody makes your thoughts scary.  Others can have a similar experience and have a completely different set of thoughts about it.  So can you. You get to choose.  That’s the Law of Substitution, further defined in The Seven Laws of the Mind, by Mark Januszewski and Lori Enrico.

scary things
Image by Jill Wellington on Pixabay

Keep in mind that the Law of Attraction is also in play. It pulls energy to build “more of” what we focus on, so when we focus on the scariness of things instead of celebrating that we have control, the scary things grow and become more scary.

The Real Scary Things

Penn Medicine, and other authorities, like lonemind.com have discovered that we are born with only two fears:

“Humans are born with certain innate fears that are thought to be evolutionary responses for survival. These are different from learned fears, which develop from experience or cultural influences. The two main fears that people are naturally born with are:

  1. Fear of loud noises – Sudden, loud sounds often trigger a startle response in infants, indicating that this fear is present from birth. It’s believed to be an instinctive reaction meant to alert us to potential danger.
  2. Fear of falling – Newborns display a ‘Moro reflex’ when they feel as if they’re falling or unsupported, which is a natural fear of losing physical stability. This likely evolved to help protect us from physical harm.

Most other fears, like fear of certain animals, social situations, or abstract concepts, are learned over time based on personal experiences and environmental influences.”

I found this advice as a great way to determine whether or not I should be scared of something, and Mark introduces this in the Master Key Experience

Conquering the Ultimate of Scary Things

No I’m not perfect at releasing all those fears, but my life sure did get better and lighter when I threw off the layers of fear, the mountain of scary things I had created that were holding me back. 

Now THAT’s a scary thing — trying to live a happy life under all those layers — losing my opportunity for a great life to ridiculous thoughts that had no basis.

And if you need some help to get out from under those scary things that hold you back and learn techniques for a better life that work for thousands, no ACTUALLY works, then join us for the next session of the Master Key Experience.

You get hands-on support from graduates who have learned to live in this joy.  You’re exposed to wisdom from old texts and science to help you live the life you want and deserve.  Start by clicking here. Trust me, it’s not a scary thing!

Read more articles by Day Boswell

About the author

From corporate employee and global manager to unemployed, Day Boswell has created her own successful, growing consulting business, helping organizations excel. She credits the Master Key Experience with much of her success. Her passion is serving as staff, master guide and personal coach, sharing the principles and tools from that course to support others in having successful journeys.

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  • I love this, Day. Thanks for all the reflections about our control over scary thoughts–and what in our lives is truly scary. I appreciate you!

    • Thank you, Shirley. And I appreciate all you do for the Master Key Experience community, helping others to see their power!

  • Fabulous insights shared Day! The comparisons we make in defining what is scary in our lives and the fact that we don’t have to fear anything at all once we get our mindset right. The MKE can bring that power of control over our minds and so much more if we just surrender from the status quo and do what most will not do.

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