February 5


Sounds Simple, Right?

Read more posts by  Kelley Hernandez

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Sounds Simple, right?

Focusing on kindness seems like such a simple idea, right? Have you ever witnessed the power it truly holds?

I have always thought myself a positive, giving person, but having a week dedicated to witnessing and participating in acts of love, will grow your heart ten times over.

In embracing the simplest of human emotions, I get to experience abundance and love in a way that I never thought possible.

Wanna quick uplift? Go to the kindness page and read a few pages. The amount of love is astounding! This is what human beings are supposed to be like.

How it Actually Sounds Simple

The trick is, getting out of my own self, either in thought or in action, to truly experience it. Not so easy, is it? Simple, powerful, and loving beyond measure. Seeing the good everywhere is exactly what the world needs today.

And getting to be a part of it? Priceless. Be kind to someone today. Want an even bigger rush? Do an act of kindness for someone and don’t get caught. That’s where the real gold is at.

For more on the simplicity of making a kind and purposeful life, check out the next Master Key Experience class by signing up for the list here.

Read more articles by Kelley Hernandez

About the author

I am a free thinking, adventurous, spirited entrepreneur and mountain girl. I enjoy creating and exploring my visions and true potential, while guiding and encouraging others to do the same and discover their bliss, one day at a time.

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