January 13


Best Life Hack for Spreading Love: Kindness Week Is Here!

Read more posts by  Jennifer Porter

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Kindness week is a beautiful ribbon-y package that is layered with love and gives back to each person and those around us in endless ripples. This is such a highlight of the Master Key Experience (MKE). Kindness week is the best life hack for spreading love!

When our two youngest came home during Kindness week last year with a new school song, about kindness and HUGGING, that was it, no need for any other signs.

We are on track and all right!

Here are some of this year’s MKE class and guides posting their kindnesses completed and kindnesses observed:

Kindness Week, Spreading Love

  • I observe a kindness by a couple of young boys picking up a piece of trash on a walkway and throwing it in a garbage can.
  • Our daughter gave hand warmers to her friends at school yesterday. It’s been far below freezing so it was very thoughtful of her!
  • I thanked a group of new hires for their engagement and helping one another during new hire training.
  • This morning, my youngest came to me in my office, bring a bar for us to eat, we cuddled, talked, and as he crawled down to go play, I said “thank you for the treat and cuddles”, and he looked back over his head (upside down), “My pleasure”.
  • I was kind to myself this morning by repeating my affirmation, ” I’m whole, powerful, perfect, strong, loving, harmonious, happy 😊.
  • Someone flashed their lights and kindly let me turn in traffic.
  • I was at the pet shop today getting some food for my cats and the lady at the store was so kind and helpful. Even helped me out to the car.
  • I called a good friend and left a voicemail telling her I miss her.
  • Making lunches every couple of days and the people receiving the lunches were grateful.
kindness week
  • I showed kindness by helping a team member figure out social media.
  • My husband was very kind to take care of the dishes to let me work on my weekly goals.
  • My hubby showed me kindness by inviting me to go with him to Bend to do errands and just to enjoy each other’s company.
  • My sweet dog, Callie, sat by my side all day and followed me everywhere, like she does every day. I took many opportunities to play and love on her today.
  • A random person watched me looking for a parking spot and moved there car so I could get out suffering before the sun went down. They were still loading up their stuff.
  • My son timed me for my workout tonight and cheered me on. My #1 fan.
  • One of our regular donors regularly searches Facebook Marketplace to find baby supplies for our Baby Boutique that supplies goods for our clients and their babies. If he can’t get the seller to donate their items to our nonprofit, he uses his own money to purchase items. Today he brought in a ‘like new’ crib and ‘baby bouncer chair.’ We are very grateful for his faithfulness in helping the mothers and babies we serve!
  • I was kind to myself by replacing the way I was thinking about a challenging situation. I choose to replace the thought with the idea that the situation was going to allow me to work harder on my DMP.
  • I shared photos of my dog with a friend and she loved them.

Kindness Week, Can’t Get Enough!

kindness week

I really can’t get enough of these messages.

Kindness week is addicting! Thank you MKE and the world for giving and receiving the gifts of each day.

It’s such a pleasure to share these observations and actions and I love that you can get involved, no matter your age.

What we focus on grows, and kindness weekly truly exemplifies this wonderful truth!

Read more articles by Jennifer Porter

About the author

Jennifer Porter excels as a sustainable development leader with 20 years experience on government and private sector sustainability initiatives. She loves helping people and communities make positive change for the future. Whether that is finding healthy solutions to life challenges, opening the business you've always dreamed about or creating a multi-million-dollar recycling facility upgrade in your city; Jennifer is ready to help. If you're ready for change - take the challenge - start with the 7 Day Mental Diet.

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  • Thank you, Jen, for capturing this amazing “Kindness Week” that we are all enjoying and celebrating! I love how you described it as “Best Life Hack for Spreading Love”! It so true how it catches on and spreading wild. Thank you for sharing the recording of your beautiful children’s song about Kindness and Hugging!

  • Jennifer, I enjoyed reading through the various examples of kindness, just one right after the other. Sometimes it is too easy to overlook kind acts that really should be valued. Thanks for your great post.

  • Jennifer, what a great blog about kindness week and being able to share some of the members kindnesses. I thoroughly enjoyed your thoughts on Kindness. I also liked you phase- “What we focus on grows…”

  • This is so wonderful Jennifer! I just love the kindness week. Thank you for sharing all the different kindnesses. It was a pleasure reading them. That reminds me that whenever I want to smile a little extra and feel warm in my heart I can go to Members area “kindnesses” and read all the heart warming stuff, or even better, contribute myself with something kind.

  • I love all your examples, Jen. That’s so helpful to turn on our brains to more and more possibilities. It’s amazing how painful political differences disappear when we are in kindness moments. 😁

  • It’s so wonderful to see kindness as a contagion! We need more of that in the world. Join the Master Key Experience to learn how to make it go viral!

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