See how Easily you can submit your post today...

process guide

Step by Step

before you start

Write your post on a Word or Pages document so you can copy and paste it into this form.

Your post requires a Featured Image.  Either choose one from our Photo Library (already correctly proportioned and sized). OR use your own photo 1200px X 630px. No exceptions.  
Thank You!

Post Submission Form

Enter your password to get started.


Enter the special password you were given to access the Post Submission Form.


Add your first & last name and the the email you gave us for your author bio.


Drag your featured image to the designated area from your computer desktop or upload it from your files. ONLY 1200px by 630px.


Copy the post from your Word Document and paste into the designated area.
(text ONLY no images)


Optional Additional Images: Please submit ONLY 630px by 630px. Make sure you have correctly named the image files. Thanks!


Choose ONE category from the dropdown menu and click to add it to the form.


When you've completed the steps above on the form - remember to hit the Submit Button before you close the page.

Remember the 

Submit Button 


Thank you for submitting your blog post.  We love to see the Guides in our MKE community continue to lead by example and follow through with consistency.  We are grateful for the experience you bring to our guide council and the guidance you offer to our new members.

Mark & Davene MKE Founders
